Simon Chadwick ( - )

Male Person - United Kingdom harpist, educator

Releases (2)



  1. Clàrsach na Bànrighe Feb 2008
  2. Old Gaelic Laments 2012

Recordings by (35)

  1. Vir Perfecte 2:24 (Feb 2008)
  2. Vir Iste 1:58 (Feb 2008)
  3. Kyrie Virginitatus Amator 1:29 (Feb 2008)
  4. Salve Splendor 2:47 (Feb 2008)
  5. Pater Columba 1:25 (Feb 2008)
  6. Ex Te Lux Oritur, O Dulcis Scotia (Orkney Wedding Song) 3:22 (Feb 2008)
  7. Nobilis Humilis (Hymn to St Magnus) 2:53 (Feb 2008)
  8. Burns March 2:52 (Feb 2008)
  9. Battle of Hara Law (Harlaw) 5:47 (Feb 2008)
  10. Rory Dall’s Port (Ae Fond Kiss) 5:58 (Feb 2008)
  11. Da Mihi Manum (Give Me Your Hand) 4:17 (Feb 2008)
  12. Cumh Easpuic Earra‐ghaoidheal (Lament for the Bishop of Argyll) 6:43 (Feb 2008)
  13. Air by Fingal 1 1:17 (Feb 2008)
  14. Air by Fingal 2 1:32 (Feb 2008)
  15. Air by Fingal 3 1:54 (Feb 2008)
  16. McLoud’s Salute 1:14 (Feb 2008)
  17. Lude’s Supper 2:10 (Feb 2008)
  18. Port Lennox 2:56 (Feb 2008)
  19. Port Gordon 1:29 (Feb 2008)
  20. Oran air Cath Sliabh an t Siorraimh (The Battle of Sherrifmuir) 4:12 (Feb 2008)
  21. Port Athol 2:07 (Feb 2008)
  22. The Flowres of the Forrest (Flowers of the Forest) 2:19 (Feb 2008)
  23. Is Eagal Leam am Bàs (The Terror of Death) 3:52 (2012)
  24. Am Bàs is Flathanas (Death and Heaven) 1:02 (2012)
  25. Cumh Easbig Earraghaal (Lament for the Bishop of Argyll) 7:03 (2012)
  26. Òran do Iain Breac MacLeod (A Song to Iain MacLeod of Dunvegan) 2:58 (2012)
  27. Caoine Rioghaill (The Royal Lament) 9:35 (2012)
  28. King James’ March to Ireland / Lochaber / Géidhe Fiáine (The Wild Geese) 5:16 (2012)
  29. Uamh an Òir (The Cave of Gold) 9:02 (2012)
  30. Féachain Gléis (Tuning prelude) / Cumha Bharúin Loch Mór (Scott’s Lamentation) / Cumha an Deibhinnsi (Lamentation of Youths) 4:20 (2012)
  31. Cumh Peathar Ruari (Rory Dall’s Sister’s Lament) 1:59 (2012)
  32. A’ Ghlas Mheur (A Bagpipe Lament) 6:22 (2012)
  33. Cumha Lachlainn Daill (Lament for Blind Lachlann) 1:29 (2012)
  34. The Clarge’s Lamentation 2:05 (2012)
  35. A Stáraí a Ghoid mo Chlú-sa Uaim (The Jointure) 3:41 (2012)

On Recordings (22)


  1. Air by Fingal 1 1:17 Simon Chadwick (Feb 2008) Irish harp / clàrsach
  2. Nobilis Humilis (Hymn to St Magnus) 2:53 Simon Chadwick (Feb 2008) Irish harp / clàrsach
  3. Air by Fingal 2 1:32 Simon Chadwick (Feb 2008) Irish harp / clàrsach
  4. McLoud’s Salute 1:14 Simon Chadwick (Feb 2008) Irish harp / clàrsach
  5. Cumh Easpuic Earra‐ghaoidheal (Lament for the Bishop of Argyll) 6:43 Simon Chadwick (Feb 2008) Irish harp / clàrsach
  6. Lude’s Supper 2:10 Simon Chadwick (Feb 2008) Irish harp / clàrsach
  7. Oran air Cath Sliabh an t Siorraimh (The Battle of Sherrifmuir) 4:12 Simon Chadwick (Feb 2008) Irish harp / clàrsach
  8. Air by Fingal 3 1:54 Simon Chadwick (Feb 2008) Irish harp / clàrsach
  9. Battle of Hara Law (Harlaw) 5:47 Simon Chadwick (Feb 2008) Irish harp / clàrsach
  10. Burns March 2:52 Simon Chadwick (Feb 2008) Irish harp / clàrsach
  11. Rory Dall’s Port (Ae Fond Kiss) 5:58 Simon Chadwick (Feb 2008) Irish harp / clàrsach
  12. Pater Columba 1:25 Simon Chadwick (Feb 2008) Irish harp / clàrsach
  13. Port Athol 2:07 Simon Chadwick (Feb 2008) Irish harp / clàrsach
  14. Vir Iste 1:58 Simon Chadwick (Feb 2008) Irish harp / clàrsach
  15. Ex Te Lux Oritur, O Dulcis Scotia (Orkney Wedding Song) 3:22 Simon Chadwick (Feb 2008) Irish harp / clàrsach
  16. Port Gordon 1:29 Simon Chadwick (Feb 2008) Irish harp / clàrsach
  17. Port Lennox 2:56 Simon Chadwick (Feb 2008) Irish harp / clàrsach
  18. The Flowres of the Forrest (Flowers of the Forest) 2:19 Simon Chadwick (Feb 2008) Irish harp / clàrsach
  19. Da Mihi Manum (Give Me Your Hand) 4:17 Simon Chadwick (Feb 2008) Irish harp / clàrsach
  20. Kyrie Virginitatus Amator 1:29 Simon Chadwick (Feb 2008) Irish harp / clàrsach
  21. Salve Splendor 2:47 Simon Chadwick (Feb 2008) Irish harp / clàrsach
  22. Vir Perfecte 2:24 Simon Chadwick (Feb 2008) Irish harp / clàrsach

Credited as (1)

  1. Simon Chadwick

Works (1)


  1. The Battle of Sherrifmuir

Links (1)

Official Homepages
