Ynoji ( - )

Male Person - Belgium Belgian electronic music artist

 Also known as (1)

Releases (2)



  1. Conjuro 09 Jun 2015


  1. Ronokironikon 01 Feb 2016

Recordings by (10)

  1. Inishu 7:05 (09 Jun 2015)
  2. Kartanian 7:01 (09 Jun 2015)
  3. Récodé 7:00 (09 Jun 2015)
  4. Emasthal 7:00 (09 Jun 2015)
  5. Heatdriven 7:00 (09 Jun 2015)
  6. Cronbus 7:08 (09 Jun 2015)
  7. Ronian 3:38 (01 Feb 2016)
  8. Evron 5:04 (01 Feb 2016)
  9. Ker Marin 4:50 (01 Feb 2016)
  10. The Lorian Hour 9:38 (28 Jul 2016)

On Recordings (4)


  1. Ronian 3:38 Ynoji (01 Feb 2016)
  2. Ker Marin 4:50 Ynoji (01 Feb 2016)
  3. Evron 5:04 Ynoji (01 Feb 2016)
  4. Ov2l 4:46 Ynoji feat. Helskanki (01 Feb 2016)

Credited as (3)

  1. Ynoji
  2. Eigenheimer and Ynoji and Ynoji
  3. Ynoji feat. Helskanki

Links (6)


  1. https://www.setlist.fm/setlists/ynoji-3bc1803c.html


  1. https://www.discogs.com/artist/2754338

Stream For Free

  1. https://open.spotify.com/artist/2NbdxR9nSEqcovRwrXKEpv
  2. https://www.deezer.com/artist/5795384

Purchase Music For Download

  1. https://itunes.apple.com/be/artist/id860774058


  1. https://focus.knack.be/muziek/jong-muziekgeweld-op-theater-aan-zee-ynoji/