Madame Baheux ( - )

Group - Wien

Releases (2)



  1. Madame Baheux 09 May 2014
  2. Too Big to Fail 05 Oct 2018

Relationships (4)


  1. Lina Neuner
  2. Ljubinka Jokić
  3. Jelena Popržan
  4. Maria Petrova

Recordings by (30)

  1. Es war einmal ein Čoček 5:03 (09 May 2014)
  2. The Moving on Song 3:58 (09 May 2014)
  3. Banaćansko kolo 3:49 (09 May 2014)
  4. Ljubi's Song 4:50 (09 May 2014)
  5. Gusarka Jenny 4:27 (09 May 2014)
  6. Ne si go ... 3:25 (09 May 2014)
  7. Linas Lied 5:07 (09 May 2014)
  8. Meine Freiheit, deine Freiheit 1:55 (09 May 2014)
  9. Lucky Ley 4:11 (09 May 2014)
  10. Ti momo 5:52 (09 May 2014)
  11. Magla padnala v dolina 4:57 (09 May 2014)
  12. Das Schawapeanzara-Lied 6:25 (09 May 2014)
  13. Šar planina 5:20 (09 May 2014)
  14. Dimitrijo, sine Mitre 5:50 (09 May 2014)
  15. Sar Planina 5:22 (05 Feb 2016)
  16. Dilmano, Dilbero 4:50 (02 Dec 2016)
  17. Dilmano Dilbero 3:48 (05 Oct 2018)
  18. Ages 4:58 (05 Oct 2018)
  19. How Many Times I’ve Heard This Song 4:33 (05 Oct 2018)
  20. Karanfil se na put sprema 3:50 (05 Oct 2018)
  21. We’ll Change the World 2:54 (05 Oct 2018)
  22. Brala moma ruža cvete 5:04 (05 Oct 2018)
  23. Ratschenitza Des Verliebten Steuerberaters 3:13 (05 Oct 2018)
  24. Technoidl 5:36 (05 Oct 2018)
  25. The Elegy of El 5:23 (05 Oct 2018)
  26. Mominsko Horo 3:53 (05 Oct 2018)
  27. Too Big to Fail 4:26 (05 Oct 2018)
  28. The Mikl-Leitner-Blues 4:30 (05 Oct 2018)
  29. La Infreddolita 1:42 (05 Oct 2018)
  30. Gdje je onaj cvijetak žuti 3:23 (05 Oct 2018)

On Recordings (2)


  1. We’ll Change the World 2:54 Madame Baheux (05 Oct 2018)
  2. Ratschenitza Des Verliebten Steuerberaters 3:13 Madame Baheux (05 Oct 2018)

Credited as (1)

  1. Madame Baheux

Links (2)

Official Homepages


