Jane Robinson (1948 - )

Person - California filk musician

 Also known as (1)

Releases (2)



  1. Dr. Jane's Fossil Fever 1990
  2. Dr. Jane's Remains Jan 1996

Relationships (1)

Romantically Involved With

  1. Cynthia McQuillin

Recordings by (29)

  1. Graviportal Polka 2:49 (1990)
  2. Out of the Clear Blue Sky 4:52 (1990)
  3. Tryannosaur's Lullaby 2:36 (1990)
  4. The Great Cretaceous Hadrosaur Quartet 4:43 (1990)
  5. The Preacher and the Prof 2:21 (1990)
  6. Labyrinthodont's Lament 4:03 (1990)
  7. Fossil Fever 3:58 (1990)
  8. Plesiosaurnithology 3:20 (1990)
  9. Ambition 3:05 (1990)
  10. The Disappearin' Archosaur Blues 2:56 (1990)
  11. Digga Bigga Bone 4:13 (1990)
  12. Movin' the Bones 5:08 (1990)
  13. That Everlastin' Outcrop in the Sky 3:02 (1990)
  14. Song of the Ripper 3:31 (1993)
  15. At the Loch 2:46 (Jan 1996)
  16. The Paleontologist and the Astrophysicist 5:23 (Jan 1996)
  17. Petrifaction 1:57 (Jan 1996)
  18. When Brontosaurs Fall In Love 2:55 (Jan 1996)
  19. I'm Gonna Call It "Brontosaur" 5:11 (Jan 1996)
  20. Backbone 2:42 (Jan 1996)
  21. Nessie, Come Up 6:11 (Jan 1996)
  22. Sexy Rexy 3:24 (Jan 1996)
  23. The Hagfish and the Lamprey 4:10 (Jan 1996)
  24. The Mesozoic Food Chain Rag 4:10 (Jan 1996)
  25. The "Origin of Life" Drinking Song 2:44 (Jan 1996)
  26. Who Owns the Bones? 4:56 (Jan 1996)
  27. Myth-Begotten 3:36 (Jan 1996)
  28. Systemantic Classification 3:24 (Jan 1996)
  29. We Can't Find... ?:?? (1997)

On Recordings (31)


  1. Labyrinthodont's Lament 4:03 Jane Robinson (1990) 12 string guitar
  2. Who Owns the Bones? 4:56 Jane Robinson (Jan 1996) guitar
  3. At the Loch 2:46 Jane Robinson (Jan 1996) guitar
  4. The Paleontologist and the Astrophysicist 5:23 Jane Robinson (Jan 1996) guitar
  5. Systemantic Classification 3:24 Jane Robinson (Jan 1996) guitar
  6. The Hagfish and the Lamprey 4:10 Jane Robinson (Jan 1996) guitar
  7. When Brontosaurs Fall In Love 2:55 Jane Robinson (Jan 1996) guitar
  8. The Mesozoic Food Chain Rag 4:10 Jane Robinson (Jan 1996) guitar
  9. The "Origin of Life" Drinking Song 2:44 Jane Robinson (Jan 1996) guitar
  10. I'm Gonna Call It "Brontosaur" 5:11 Jane Robinson (Jan 1996) guitar
  11. Sexy Rexy 3:24 Jane Robinson (Jan 1996) guitar
  12. Backbone 2:42 Jane Robinson (Jan 1996) guitar
  13. Nessie, Come Up 6:11 Jane Robinson (Jan 1996) guitar
  14. Myth-Begotten 3:36 Jane Robinson (Jan 1996) guitar
  15. Petrifaction 1:57 Jane Robinson (Jan 1996) guitar


  1. Movin' the Bones 5:08 Jane Robinson (1990) spoken vocals
  2. The Great Cretaceous Hadrosaur Quartet 4:43 Jane Robinson (1990) tenor vocals
  3. I'm Gonna Call It "Brontosaur" 5:11 Jane Robinson (Jan 1996) lead vocals
  4. The Mesozoic Food Chain Rag 4:10 Jane Robinson (Jan 1996) lead vocals
  5. When Brontosaurs Fall In Love 2:55 Jane Robinson (Jan 1996) lead vocals
  6. The Hagfish and the Lamprey 4:10 Jane Robinson (Jan 1996) lead vocals
  7. The Paleontologist and the Astrophysicist 5:23 Jane Robinson (Jan 1996) lead vocals
  8. Myth-Begotten 3:36 Jane Robinson (Jan 1996) lead vocals
  9. The "Origin of Life" Drinking Song 2:44 Jane Robinson (Jan 1996) lead vocals
  10. Nessie, Come Up 6:11 Jane Robinson (Jan 1996) lead vocals
  11. Backbone 2:42 Jane Robinson (Jan 1996) lead vocals
  12. Sexy Rexy 3:24 Jane Robinson (Jan 1996) lead vocals
  13. Systemantic Classification 3:24 Jane Robinson (Jan 1996) lead vocals
  14. Who Owns the Bones? 4:56 Jane Robinson (Jan 1996) lead vocals
  15. At the Loch 2:46 Jane Robinson (Jan 1996) lead vocals
  16. Petrifaction 1:57 Jane Robinson (Jan 1996) lead vocals

Credited as (4)

  1. Jane Robinson
  2. Cynthia McQuillin and Dr. Jane Robinson
  3. Dr. Jane & The Primordial Oohz
  4. Cynthia McQuillin & Jane Robinson

Works (97)


  1. Backbone (1989)
  2. At the Loch
  3. The Paleontologist and the Astrophysicist
  4. Petrifaction
  5. The "Origin of Life" Drinking Song
  6. Who Owns the Bones?
  7. When Brontosaurs Fall In Love
  8. I'm Gonna Call It "Brontosaur"
  9. Nessie, Come Up
  10. Sexy Rexy
  11. Myth-Begotten
  12. Systemantic Classification
All Works Results >>


  1. The Preacher and the Prof (1987)
  2. The "I Don't Know It" Blues (1987)
  3. Graviportal Polka (1988)
  4. Ambition (1988)
  5. Backbone (1989)
  6. Have a Nice Day (1990)
  7. Movin' the Bones (1990)
  8. That Everlastin' Outcrop in the Sky (1990)
  9. The Great Cretaceous Hadrosaur Quartet (1990)
  10. Labyrinthodont's Lament (1990)
  11. Fossil Fever (1990)
  12. Plesiosaurnithology (1990)
  13. Disappearin' Archosaur Blues (1990)
  14. Digga Bigga Bone (1990)
  15. Out of the Clear Blue Sky (1990)
  16. Tyrannosaur's Lullaby (1990)
  17. Crosstown Bus (1993)
  18. Big Bad Woman (1993)
  19. The Blame Game (1993)
All Works Results >>


  1. The Preacher and the Prof (1987)
  2. The "I Don't Know It" Blues (1987)
  3. Ambition (1988)
  4. Graviportal Polka (1988)
  5. Backbone (1989)
  6. That Everlastin' Outcrop in the Sky (1990)
  7. Have a Nice Day (1990)
  8. Labyrinthodont's Lament (1990)
  9. Fossil Fever (1990)
  10. Plesiosaurnithology (1990)
  11. Disappearin' Archosaur Blues (1990)
  12. Digga Bigga Bone (1990)
  13. Movin' the Bones (1990)
  14. Out of the Clear Blue Sky (1990)
  15. Tyrannosaur's Lullaby (1990)
  16. The Great Cretaceous Hadrosaur Quartet (1990)
  17. Big Bad Woman (1993)
  18. Crosstown Bus (1993)
  19. The Blame Game (1993)
All Works Results >>

Links (3)


  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Robinson_(filk_musician)


  1. https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q6142285


  1. http://www.ovff.org/pegasus/people/jane-robinson.html