ricono ( - )

- Amorevole

Releases (3)



  1. reflections 27 Oct 2019
  2. KAWAII COMPILATION 25 Oct 2020 (as Amorevole)
  3. arcobaleno! 30 Apr 2023

Relationships (1)

Performance Name Of

  1. 山本梨乃

Recordings by (24)

  1. 70億の奇跡 4:11 (28 Oct 2018)
  2. Restricted Areas 4:10 (28 Apr 2019)
  3. To be continued -私達の物語はこれからだ- 4:12 (28 Apr 2019)
  4. かがやけ!ラブアンドピースぷぃきゅあ 4:25 (28 Apr 2019)
  5. Stay Alive 3:33 (28 Apr 2019)
  6. サウンドプール 2:32 (27 Oct 2019)
  7. Mirage 3:50 (27 Oct 2019)
  8. Sine 4:43 (27 Oct 2019)
  9. Underwater 3:27 (27 Oct 2019)
  10. 白い花 4:56 (27 Oct 2019)
  11. 君が好きだ 2:56 (27 Oct 2019)
  12. reflections 3:54 (27 Oct 2019)
  13. Proud 3:11 (27 Oct 2019)
  14. Ghost of Night Wave 4:49 (27 Oct 2019)
  15. Rained Tonight 3:56 (30 Jul 2021)
  16. アトリエ 4:54 (30 Sep 2022)
  17. Music for My stage! 3:27 (30 Apr 2023)
  18. イワイバナ 3:30 (30 Apr 2023)
  19. shiny endless 3:49 (30 Apr 2023)
  20. わたあめあどべんちゃー 3:03 (30 Apr 2023)
  21. Music for My stage! (instrumental) 3:27 (30 Apr 2023)
  22. イワイバナ (instrumental) 3:30 (30 Apr 2023)
  23. shiny endless (instrumental) 3:48 (30 Apr 2023)
  24. わたあめアドベンチャー (instrumental) 3:02 (30 Apr 2023)

On Recordings (14)


  1. 70億の奇跡 4:11 ricono (28 Oct 2018)
  2. Shake The Future! 4:59 EmoCosine feat. ricono (28 Apr 2019)
  3. secret moon ?:?? DTXFiles.nmk (06 Oct 2019)
  4. 乳信!占いの館 [☆☆☆相談無料☆☆☆] 4:57 ARM × まろん ft. ななひら & ricono (27 Oct 2019)
  5. タイガー 〜 その孤高なる腕組み 3:25 ARM ft. ricono (27 Oct 2019)
  6. 世界はいつだってずるいんだって。 3:58 Vivid Lila feat. ricono (15 May 2020)
  7. Inferno of Fomalhaut 2:04 fallen shepherd ft. ricono (17 Mar 2021)
  8. Rained Tonight 3:56 ricono (30 Jul 2021)
  9. S.E.N.C.E 5:01 AxiaBridge (31 Oct 2021)
  10. おたすけ!アン子ちゃん (シノビアンレディーのテーマ 弐) 1:59 ARM × 狐夢想 ft. ricono (15 Dec 2021)
  11. Orange Summer 3:29 techicobal* feat. ricono (13 Aug 2022)
  12. アトリエ 4:54 ricono (30 Sep 2022)
  13. Gotcha! 3:47 techicobal* (30 Oct 2022)
  14. Inferno of Fomalhaut (RoughSketch Remix) 3:41 fallen shepherd ft. ricono (10 Oct 2023)

Credited as (30)

  1. ARM feat. ricono
  2. ricono
  3. ARM × まろん ft. ななひら & ricono
  4. ARM × Ottiki ft. ricono with RabbiTon Strings
  5. ARM ft. ricono
  6. Aintops feat. ricono
  7. Amorevole
  8. Vivid Lila feat. ricono
  9. ricono, Takahiro Eguchi & Fumihisa Tanaka
  10. ricono & Takahiro Eguchi
  11. ricono & FALL
  12. Remixed by まろん feat. ricono
  13. fallen shepherd ft. ricono
  14. EmoCosine feat. ricono
  15. 吉田省吾 feat. ricono
  16. MARON (IOSYS) feat. ricono
  17. ARM × 狐夢想 ft. ricono
  18. nora2r feat. ricono
  19. Sobrem feat. ricono
  20. ricono & もちこまめ
  21. techicobal* feat. ricono
  22. Aintops feat. ricono
  23. Aintops/ricono
  24. Remixed by Nhato feat. ricono
  25. Room97 feat. ricono
  26. まろん vs ARM feat. ricono
  27. miko feat. ricono助手 & まろん教授
  28. 咲良ゆの feat. ricono
  29. fallen shepherd feat. ricono
  30. しーけー feat.ricono

Works (3)


  1. イワイバナ
  2. shiny endless

Links (5)

Official Homepages

  1. http://amorevole.penne.jp/


  1. https://vgmdb.net/artist/42744

Stream For Free

  1. https://open.spotify.com/artist/1tgka0sxFviS1yHjiR1Bip

Purchase Music For Download

  1. https://amorevole.booth.pm/

Social Networking

  1. https://twitter.com/ri_cono