Glenn Zaleski (1987 - )

Male Person - United States

Releases (2)



  1. Fellowship 24 Feb 2017
  2. The Question 17 Jul 2020

Recordings by (15)

  1. Table Talk 6:22 (24 Feb 2017)
  2. Westinghouse 6:36 (24 Feb 2017)
  3. Is That So 6:50 (24 Feb 2017)
  4. Fellowship 6:58 (24 Feb 2017)
  5. Out Front 0:51 (24 Feb 2017)
  6. Homestead 6:14 (24 Feb 2017)
  7. Lifetime 6:56 (24 Feb 2017)
  8. Central Park West 7:27 (24 Feb 2017)
  9. P.S. 5:03 (24 Feb 2017)
  10. The Question 8:51 (17 Jul 2020)
  11. Backstep 7:26 (17 Jul 2020)
  12. Smoke and Mirrors 6:06 (17 Jul 2020)
  13. Strange Meadow Lark 7:38 (17 Jul 2020)
  14. Road Life 8:21 (17 Jul 2020)
  15. The Answer 2:18 (17 Jul 2020)

On Recordings (18)


  1. Out Front 0:51 Glenn Zaleski (24 Feb 2017) piano
  2. Lifetime 6:56 Glenn Zaleski (24 Feb 2017) piano
  3. P.S. 5:03 Glenn Zaleski (24 Feb 2017) piano
  4. Table Talk 6:22 Glenn Zaleski (24 Feb 2017) piano
  5. Fellowship 6:58 Glenn Zaleski (24 Feb 2017) piano
  6. Homestead 6:14 Glenn Zaleski (24 Feb 2017) piano
  7. Central Park West 7:27 Glenn Zaleski (24 Feb 2017) piano
  8. Westinghouse 6:36 Glenn Zaleski (24 Feb 2017) piano
  9. Is That So 6:50 Glenn Zaleski (24 Feb 2017) piano
  10. Subconscious Partner 5:13 Davy Mooney (27 Jul 2018) piano
  11. DIM 6:05 Davy Mooney (27 Jul 2018) piano
  12. Hiraeth 5:33 Davy Mooney (27 Jul 2018) piano
  13. 29th Road 5:29 Davy Mooney (27 Jul 2018) piano
  14. Shady Shores 6:25 Davy Mooney (27 Jul 2018) piano
  15. Benign Strangers 6:27 Davy Mooney (27 Jul 2018) piano
  16. The Heights 5:26 Davy Mooney (27 Jul 2018) piano
  17. Polly Pulse 6:02 Davy Mooney (27 Jul 2018) piano
  18. Unimagined Virtues 7:01 Davy Mooney (27 Jul 2018) piano

Credited as (6)

  1. Gabriel Vicéns, Román Filiu, Glenn Zaleski, Rick Rosato, E. J. Strickland & Victor Pablo
  2. Mareike Wiening feat. Rich Perry, Glenn Zaleski, Alex Goodman & Johannes Felscher
  3. Glenn Zaleski
  4. Glenn Zaleski, Alex LoRe, Andrew Gutauskas, Nick Finzer & Andrew Renfroe
  5. Glenn Zaleski feat. Yotam Silberstein
  6. Yotam Silberstein feat. Daniel Dor, Glenn Zaleski & John Patitucci

Works (6)


  1. Table Talk
  2. Fellowship
  3. Out Front
  4. Homestead
  5. Lifetime
  6. P.S.

Links (6)





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