5sang14 ( - )

Group - Québec

 Also known as (1)

Releases (5)



  1. Snakeyez 10 Dec 2021


  1. Mode sport 13 Aug 2021
  2. Contrefaçon 04 Nov 2021
  3. Fuck That 03 Dec 2021


  1. 5 / 5 03 May 2019

Relationships (5)


  1. MB
  2. Random
  3. White‐B
  4. Lost
  5. Capitaine Gaza

Recordings by (19)

  1. PLG 3:29 (03 May 2019)
  2. Real 3:54 (03 May 2019)
  3. Loin 3:33 (03 May 2019)
  4. Otages 3:45 (03 May 2019)
  5. Projet illégal 4:00 (03 May 2019)
  6. Mode sport 3:43 (13 Aug 2021) explicit
  7. Contrefaçon 3:15 (04 Nov 2021) explicit
  8. Fuck That 3:34 (03 Dec 2021) explicit
  9. Je t’haine 4:07 (10 Dec 2021) explicit
  10. PDCI 3:26 (10 Dec 2021) explicit
  11. Sauvage 3:26 (10 Dec 2021) explicit
  12. Chaud là‐bas 4:07 (10 Dec 2021) explicit
  13. Paquet de sauce 4:02 (10 Dec 2021) explicit
  14. Dangerous 3:41 (10 Dec 2021) explicit
  15. À l’aise 3:36 (10 Dec 2021) explicit
  16. Gangsta 2:32 (10 Dec 2021) explicit
  17. Reste droit 3:30 (10 Dec 2021) explicit
  18. Sale 4:38 (10 Dec 2021) explicit
  19. Faille 4:14 (10 Dec 2021) explicit

On Recordings (5)

Holds Phonographic Copyright (?) For

  1. Real 3:54 5sang14 (03 May 2019)
  2. Projet illégal 4:00 5sang14 (03 May 2019)
  3. Loin 3:33 5sang14 (03 May 2019)
  4. Otages 3:45 5sang14 (03 May 2019)
  5. PLG 3:29 5sang14 (03 May 2019)

Credited as (1)

  1. 5sang14

Links (18)

Official Homepages

  1. https://www.joyriderecs.com/artists/5sang14/

Lyrics Page

  1. https://genius.com/artists/5sang14


  1. https://www.discogs.com/artist/9931042


  1. https://www.imdb.com/name/nm13200424/

Stream For Free

  1. https://open.spotify.com/artist/6XM5SrUaWM5XJwV55eHW2s
  2. https://www.deezer.com/artist/63817462
  3. https://music.youtube.com/channel/UCCB3FgIDpBPxQ2jdF1_SJ7Q

Purchase Music For Download

  1. https://ca.7digital.com/artist/5sang14
  2. https://www.qobuz.com/fr-fr/interpreter/5sang14/download-streaming-albums

Streaming Page

  1. https://ca.napster.com/artist/5sang14
  2. https://www.qub.ca/musique/artiste/5sang14-6436165
  3. https://music.apple.com/ca/artist/1493876913
  4. https://music.amazon.ca/artists/B07QR74NNY
  5. https://tidal.com/artist/15552283
  6. https://www.qobuz.com/fr-fr/interpreter/5sang14/download-streaming-albums

Social Networking

  1. https://www.facebook.com/5sang14


  1. https://soundcloud.com/5sang14-officiel

Youtube Channels

  1. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKG8UEfkMG_86SaCkapjTMQ/