Elijah Lee ( - )

Male Person - New Zealand lo-fi artist

 Also known as (1)

Releases (2)



  1. Vanishing Journey 16 May 2021
  2. My Memoir 29 Jan 2022

Recordings by (8)

  1. Dusk to Dawn 2:00 (28 Jul 2020)
  2. Night Drive 2:26 (16 May 2021)
  3. Trapped in My Mind 2:16 (16 May 2021)
  4. Calm 2:17 (16 May 2021)
  5. Introspection 2:14 (16 May 2021)
  6. Lost in Thought 2:40 (29 Jan 2022)
  7. Until We Meet Again 2:53 (29 Jan 2022)
  8. Gentle 2:35 (18 Sep 2023)

On Recordings (24)


  1. Our Hideaway 2:26 Elijah Lee × aimless (22 Dec 2020)
  2. Moon Waltz 2:59 Elijah Lee × aimless (22 Dec 2020)
  3. Explorers 1:58 Elijah Lee × aimless (22 Dec 2020)
  4. Infinite 2:12 Elijah Lee × aimless (22 Dec 2020)
  5. Escape With Me 2:27 Elijah Lee × aimless (22 Dec 2020)
  6. Midnight Sky 2:04 Elijah Lee × aimless (22 Dec 2020)
  7. before i met you 2:51 Jhove ft. elijah lee (21 Feb 2021)
  8. Birdcage 2:34 Elijah Lee ft. Epona (16 May 2021)
  9. Calm 2:17 Elijah Lee (16 May 2021)
  10. Night Drive 2:26 Elijah Lee (16 May 2021)
  11. Trapped in My Mind 2:16 Elijah Lee (16 May 2021)
  12. Coming Home 2:04 Elijah Lee ft. mell-ø (16 May 2021)
  13. Introspection 2:14 Elijah Lee (16 May 2021)
  14. Sigh of Relief 2:33 Elijah Lee ft. softy (16 May 2021)
  15. Waterfall 2:31 Epona ft. Elijah Lee × Elior (17 Sep 2021)
  16. Until We Meet Again 2:53 Elijah Lee (29 Jan 2022)
  17. My Memoir 2:45 Elijah Lee ft. azayaka (29 Jan 2022)
  18. Flying Away 2:26 Elijah Lee ft. eugenio izzi (29 Jan 2022)
  19. Clouds 2:35 Elijah Lee ft. Hoogway (29 Jan 2022)
  20. Mirrors of Our Sky 2:40 Elijah Lee ft. Laffey (29 Jan 2022)
  21. Pleine Lune 3:07 Elijah Lee ft. Dimension 32 (29 Jan 2022)
  22. Lost in Thought 2:40 Elijah Lee (29 Jan 2022)
  23. Waves 1:58 Elijah Lee × azayaka (11 Apr 2022)

Holds Phonographic Copyright (?) For

  1. Sunflower Fields 2:31 Elijah Lee & azayaka (06 May 2022)

Credited as (34)

  1. Elijah Lee
  2. Elijah Lee & eugenio izzi
  3. Elijah Lee & Hoogway
  4. Elijah Lee & Laffey
  5. Elijah Lee & azayaka
  6. Elijah Lee & Dimension 32
  7. steezy prime, Kanisan, Towerz, mell-ø, no one’s perfect, takeo, Elijah Lee, Bert, Otaam, Pointy Features, trxxshed, tender spring & H.1
  8. softy & Elijah Lee
  9. Jisatsu & Elijah Lee
  10. Elijah Lee & cxlt.
  11. Elijah Lee × azayaka
  12. Epona ft. Elijah Lee × Elior
  13. Elijah Lee ft. Epona
  14. Elijah Lee ft. mell-ø
  15. Elijah Lee ft. softy
  16. Elijah Lee × aimless
  17. Alberto Droguett & Elijah Lee
  18. Axian, Elijah Lee & Alberto Droguett
  19. azayaka & Elijah Lee
  20. Elijah Lee & Casiio
  21. Casiio × Elijah Lee
  22. Elijah Lee, Casiio
  23. Elijah Lee ft. eugenio izzi
  24. Elijah Lee ft. Hoogway
  25. Elijah Lee ft. Laffey
  26. Elijah Lee ft. azayaka
  27. Elijah Lee ft. Dimension 32
  28. Epona, Elior & Elijah Lee
  29. Elijah Lee & Epona
  30. Elijah Lee & mell-ø
  31. Elijah Lee & softy
  32. Jhove & Elijah Lee
  33. Jhove ft. elijah lee
  34. Elijah Lee & aimless

Works (37)


  1. before i met you
  2. Night Drive
  3. Birdcage
  4. Trapped in My Mind
  5. Calm
  6. Introspection
  7. Coming Home
  8. Sigh of Relief
  9. Waterfall
  10. Patience
  11. Lost in Thought
  12. Flying Away
  13. Until We Meet Again
  14. Clouds
  15. Mirrors of Our Sky
  16. My Memoir
  17. Pleine Lune
  18. Waves
  19. Gentle
  20. Moon Waltz
  21. Explorers
  22. Escape With Me
  23. Our Hideaway
  24. Infinite
  25. Midnight Sky
  26. Slow Falling
  27. Phantasm
  28. Uneven
  29. Tired of a Bewildered Heart
  30. Falling to Pieces
  31. Who Are You
  32. Breathe
  33. Simplicity
  34. A Sense of Invisibility
  35. Aged
  36. Over/think
  37. Detour

Links (11)


  1. https://www.last.fm/music/Elijah+Lee

Stream For Free

  1. https://open.spotify.com/artist/2ZVKeej6s975bMSdzxjIhu
  2. https://www.deezer.com/artist/12062642

Purchase Music For Download

  1. https://music.apple.com/us/artist/1212052226
  2. https://music.apple.com/us/artist/1610031510


  1. https://elijahlee.bandcamp.com/

Streaming Page

  1. https://music.apple.com/us/artist/1212052226
  2. https://music.apple.com/us/artist/1610031510

Social Networking

  1. https://twitter.com/elijahleebeats
  2. https://www.instagram.com/elijahleebeats/


  1. https://soundcloud.com/elijahleebeats