KENSO (1974 - )

Group - Japan Japanese progressive rock

Releases (18)



  1. Kenso 1981 (as Kenso)
  2. Kenso II 1982 (as Kenso)
  3. III 1985 (as Kenso)
  4. Sparta 1989 (as Kenso)
  5. 夢の丘 21 Oct 1991 (as ケンソー)
  6. Esoptron 1999 (as Kenso)
  7. 76/77 2000 (as ケンソー)
  8. 天鵞絨症綺譚 22 May 2002 (as Kenso)
  9. うつろいゆくもの (Utsuroi Yuku Mono) 21 Sep 2006 (as Kenso)
  10. 内ナル声ニ回帰セヨ 23 Jul 2014

Album - Live

  1. Music for Unknown Five Musicians 21 Mar 1990 (as Kenso)
  2. Live 92 21 Jan 1992 (as ケンソー)
  3. Sora Ni Hikaru - Early Live Vol.1 1994 (as ケンソー)
  4. Inei No Fue - Early Live Vol.2 1995 (as ケンソー)
  5. In the West 1999 (as ケンソー)
  6. Ken-son-gu-su 2000 (as Kenso)
  7. Chilling Heat (Live In Tokyo 2004) 2005

Album - Compilation

  1. Complete Box 26 Dec 2012 (as ケンソー)

Relationships (8)


  1. 清水義央 (1974) original
  2. 小口 健一 (1983)
  3. 佐橋俊彦 (1983 - 1990)
  4. 村石雅行 (1988 - 2003)
  5. 光田健一 (1990)
  6. 小森啓資 (2004)
  7. 山本はるきち ( - 1988)
  8. 松元 公良 ( - 1989)

Recordings by (274)

  1. 日本の麦唄 5:56 (1981)
  2. 陰影の笛 5:28 (1981)
  3. ふりおろされた刃 7:43 (1981)
  4. 5:33 (1981)
  5. かごめ 15:29 (1981)
  6. ブーちゃんの宙がえり 1:13 (1981)
  7. 空に光る 6:22 (1982)
  8. Anesthesia, part 1 2:06 (1982)
  9. Anesthesia, part 2 4:20 (1982)
  10. 氷島 6:09 (1982)
  11. Brand指向 4:34 (1982)
  12. はるかなる地へ 3:54 (1982)
  13. 内部への月影 3:45 (1982)
  14. さよならプログレ 6:59 (1982)
  15. Sacred Dream I 2:49 (1985)
  16. Power Of The Glory 4:16 (1985)
  17. The Breeze Whispered Through My Mind 1:12 (1985)
  18. Far East Celebration 2:42 (1985)
  19. La Liberte De L'esprit 6:11 (1985)
  20. Patter of the Groovy 0:51 (1985)
  21. Turn to Solution 6:33 (1985)
  22. Nostalghia 2:53 (1985)
  23. Sacred Dream II 6:04 (1985)
  24. Beginnings 6:33 (1985)
  25. Umi (live) 6:03 (1985)
  26. Good Days, Bad Days 8:14 (1989)
  27. Bifuka 5:50 (1989)
  28. The Stone of Golden Hair Village 3:48 (1989)
  29. Miskatonic 4:32 (1989)
  30. P.M. 7:07 (1989)
  31. Gesshya Senkoh 6:00 (1989)
  32. The Shadow over Innsmouth 6:08 (1989)
  33. Neuro-Psychoma 0:20 (1989)
  34. Prelude in Sofia 9:38 (21 Mar 1990)
  35. Brand IX 4:39 (21 Mar 1990)
  36. Liberty of Spirit 6:21 (21 Mar 1990)
  37. Sacred Dream 8:52 (21 Mar 1990)
  38. Arrivederci 7:13 (21 Mar 1990)
  39. Umi 8:22 (21 Mar 1990)
  40. Hyoto 6:41 (21 Mar 1990)
  41. P.M. (Dedicated to Pat Metheny) 6:22 (21 Mar 1990)
  42. Anesthesia, part II 5:28 (21 Mar 1990)
  43. Sora Ni Hikaru 6:56 (21 Mar 1990)
  44. 月の位相–I 5:27 (21 Oct 1991)
  45. 時間の意味 5:07 (21 Oct 1991)
  46. 謎めいた森より 4:39 (21 Oct 1991)
  47. イア 1:36 (21 Oct 1991)
  48. 心の中の古代 5:13 (21 Oct 1991)
  49. 不安な記憶 2:24 (21 Oct 1991)
  50. 地中海とアーリア人 5:16 (21 Oct 1991)
All Recordings By Results >>

On Recordings (50)


  1. Nostalghia 2:53 KENSO (1985)
  2. Umi (Live) 6:03 KENSO (1985)
  3. Sacred Dream I 2:49 KENSO (1985)
  4. Patter of the Groovy 0:51 KENSO (1985)
  5. Beginnings 6:33 KENSO (1985)
  6. La Liberte De L'esprit 6:11 KENSO (1985)
  7. The Breeze Whispered Through My Mind 1:12 KENSO (1985)
  8. Far East Celebration 2:42 KENSO (1985)
  9. Sacred Dream II 6:04 KENSO (1985)
  10. Power of the Glory 4:16 KENSO (1985)
  11. Turn to Solution 6:33 KENSO (1985)
  12. コドン3 2:20 KENSO (21 Sep 2006)
  13. そこはまあそこはかとなく 2:28 KENSO (21 Sep 2006)
  14. Rhyme-stone in Cotswolds 4:51 KENSO (21 Sep 2006)
  15. コドン1 1:48 KENSO (21 Sep 2006)
  16. シヅカへの扉 3:36 KENSO (21 Sep 2006)
  17. 木霊の舞う情景 4:07 KENSO (21 Sep 2006)
  18. わくわくリーバレー 3:12 KENSO (21 Sep 2006)
  19. ウブド寝入りばな幻聴 5:20 KENSO (21 Sep 2006)
  20. あの頃モビーディックと 4:21 KENSO (21 Sep 2006)
  21. 暁に楽師が 3:06 KENSO (21 Sep 2006)


  1. 氷島 6:09 KENSO (1982)
  2. Brand指向 4:34 KENSO (1982)
  3. はるかなる地へ 3:54 KENSO (1982)
  4. さよならプログレ 6:59 KENSO (1982)
  5. 内部への月影 3:45 KENSO (1982)
  6. 空に光る 6:22 KENSO (1982)
  7. Anesthesia, part 2 4:20 KENSO (1982)
  8. Anesthesia, part 1 2:06 KENSO (1982)
  9. Inei No Fue 5:26 KENSO (1993)
  10. Nihon No Mugiu-Ta 5:54 KENSO (1993)
  11. Anesthesia, Part II 4:45 KENSO (1999)
  12. Today I Left OIA 4:30 KENSO (1999)
  13. Sacred Dream 5:10 KENSO (1999)
  14. Power of the Glory 2:00 KENSO (1999)
  15. Gips 4:01 KENSO (1999)
  16. The Sea 6:32 KENSO (1999)
  17. Alfama 2:07 KENSO (1999)
  18. The Ofuner 0:38 KENSO (1999)
  19. Les phases de la lune II 2:58 KENSO (1999)
  20. Gesshya Senkoh 4:39 KENSO (1999)
  21. The Ancient in My Brain 7:16 KENSO (1999)
  22. Mediterranean and Aryan 10:07 KENSO (1999)
  23. ウブド寝入りばな幻聴 5:20 KENSO (21 Sep 2006)
  24. コドン2 2:33 KENSO (21 Sep 2006)
  25. Rhyme-stone in Cotswolds 4:51 KENSO (21 Sep 2006)
  26. 蠱惑島に歌は 5:08 KENSO (21 Sep 2006)
  27. 風の中の菲林 1:39 KENSO (21 Sep 2006)
  28. わくわくリーバレー 3:12 KENSO (21 Sep 2006)
  29. 木霊の舞う情景 4:07 KENSO (21 Sep 2006)

Credited as (3)

  1. Kenso
  2. KENSO
  3. ケンソー

Works (11)


  1. Release Yourself
  2. 気楽にいこうぜ
  3. 在野からの帰還
  4. 知識を超えて
  5. Gips
  6. The Egg of Joe
  7. Chronos Ouranos Esoptron
  8. 躁の悲哀
  9. 個人的希求
  10. 願いかなえるこどもをつれてゆこう
  11. 湖畔にて

Links (12)

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