Johann Kuhnau (06 Apr 1660 - 05 Jun 1722)

Male Person - Germany composer

Releases (1)



  1. The Biblical Sonatas (Harpsichord, Clavichord & Organ: John Butt) 1995

Relationships (7)


  1. Christoph Graupner
  2. Johann Christian Kittel
  3. Johann Friedrich Fasch
  4. Johann David Heinichen
  5. Reinhard Keiser
  6. Johann Theodor Roemhildt

Conductor For

  1. Thomanerchor Leipzig (1701 - 1722) principal

Recordings by (66)

  1. Der Gerechte kommt um 5:32 (1994)
  2. Biblical Sonata No. 1 "The Combat Between David and Goliath (1 Samuel 17-18)": I. The Boasting of Goliath. 1:34 (1995)
  3. Biblical Sonata No. 1 "The Combat Between David and Goliath (1 Samuel 17-18)": II. The Trembling of the Israelites at the Appearance of the Giant, and Their Prayer to God. 5:12 (1995)
  4. Biblical Sonata No. 1 "The Combat Between David and Goliath (1 Samuel 17-18)": III. The Courage of David, and His Keen Desire to Repel the Pride of His Terrifying Enemy, With the Confidence That He Puts in the Help of God. 1:02 (1995)
  5. Biblical Sonata No. 1 "The Combat Between David and Goliath (1 Samuel 17-18)": IV. The Combat Between the Two and Their Struggle; The Stone Is Thrown From the Slingshot Into the Brow of the Giant; Goliath Falls. 1:11 (1995)
  6. Biblical Sonata No. 1 "The Combat Between David and Goliath (1 Samuel 17-18)": V. The Flight of the Philistines, Who Are Pursued and Slain by the Israelites. 0:46 (1995)
  7. Biblical Sonata No. 1 "The Combat Between David and Goliath (1 Samuel 17-18)": VI. The Joy of the Israelites Over Their Victory. 1:15 (1995)
  8. Biblical Sonata No. 1 "The Combat Between David and Goliath (1 Samuel 17-18)": VII. Musical Concert of the Women in Honor of David. 1:22 (1995)
  9. Biblical Sonata No. 1 "The Combat Between David and Goliath (1 Samuel 17-18)": VIII. The General Rejoicing, and the Dances of Joy of the People. 2:01 (1995)
  10. Biblical Sonata No. 2 "The Melancholy of Saul Assuaged by Means of Music (1 Samuel 16)": I. The Sadness and the Rage of the King. 3:04 (1995)
  11. Biblical Sonata No. 2 "The Melancholy of Saul Assuaged by Means of Music (1 Samuel 16)": II. [No Title] 2:52 (1995)
  12. Biblical Sonata No. 2 "The Melancholy of Saul Assuaged by Means of Music (1 Samuel 16)": III. The Restorative Song of David's Harp. 3:28 (1995)
  13. Biblical Sonata No. 2 "The Melancholy of Saul Assuaged by Means of Music (1 Samuel 16)": IV. The Calm and Contented Soul of Saul. 1:50 (1995)
  14. Biblical Sonata No. 3 "The Wedding of Jacob (Genesis 29-31)": I. The Joy of the Family of Laban at the Arrival of Their Kinsman Jacob. 3:52 (1995)
  15. Biblical Sonata No. 3 "The Wedding of Jacob (Genesis 29-31)": II. The Servitude of Jacob Is Indeed Laborious, but It Is Lightened by His Love for Rachel, With the Diversion of the Lovers Mixed in. 3:31 (1995)
  16. Biblical Sonata No. 3 "The Wedding of Jacob (Genesis 29-31)": III. The Bridal Song Sung by the Companions of Rachel. 1:23 (1995)
  17. Biblical Sonata No. 3 "The Wedding of Jacob (Genesis 29-31)": IV. The Rejoicing for the Wedding, and the Congratulations. 1:20 (1995)
  18. Biblical Sonata No. 3 "The Wedding of Jacob (Genesis 29-31)": V. The Deception of Laban. 2:34 (1995)
  19. Biblical Sonata No. 3 "The Wedding of Jacob (Genesis 29-31)": VI. [No Title] 1:38 (1995)
  20. Biblical Sonata No. 3 "The Wedding of Jacob (Genesis 29-31)": VII. The Bridegroom Loving and Content; His Heart Foretells Him Some Ill; He Takes Heart Again; He Becomes Sleepy; He Arises; He Falls Asleep; The Displeasure of Jacob at Being Deceived. 2:40 (1995)
  21. Biblical Sonata No. 3 "The Wedding of Jacob (Genesis 29-31)": VIII. The Rejoicing for the Wedding Is Repeated. 1:26 (1995)
  22. Biblical Sonata No. 4 "Hezekiah Dying and Restored to Health (2 Kings 20)": I. Hezekiah's Lament for the Death Foretold to Him and His Fervent Prayers. 3:35 (1995)
  23. Biblical Sonata No. 4 "Hezekiah Dying and Restored to Health (2 Kings 20)": II. His Confidence in God. 1:34 (1995)
  24. Biblical Sonata No. 4 "Hezekiah Dying and Restored to Health (2 Kings 20)": III. The Joy of the Convalescent King; He Remembers the Ills That Are Past; He Forgets Them. 2:10 (1995)
  25. Biblical Sonata No. 5 "Gideon the Savior of the People of Israel (Judges 6-7)": I. Gideon's Doubt Concerning the Victory Promised Him by God; He Tests It in a Contrary Manner. 2:30 (1995)
  26. Biblical Sonata No. 5 "Gideon the Savior of the People of Israel (Judges 6-7)": II. His Fear, Seeing a Great Army of Enemies Come Upon Him. 0:38 (1995)
  27. Biblical Sonata No. 5 "Gideon the Savior of the People of Israel (Judges 6-7)": III. He Takes Heart Again, Hearing What They Had Dreamed of Him Being Expounded to His Enemies. 1:04 (1995)
  28. Biblical Sonata No. 5 "Gideon the Savior of the People of Israel (Judges 6-7)": IV. Gideon Encourages His Soldiers. 1:04 (1995)
  29. Biblical Sonata No. 5 "Gideon the Savior of the People of Israel (Judges 6-7)": V. The Sound of Trumpets, or Trombones, and the Breaking of the Pitchers, and the Cries of the Fighters. 0:50 (1995)
  30. Biblical Sonata No. 5 "Gideon the Savior of the People of Israel (Judges 6-7)": VI. The Flight of Their Enemies, Pursued by the Israelites. 0:21 (1995)
  31. Biblical Sonata No. 5 "Gideon the Savior of the People of Israel (Judges 6-7)": VII. Their Joy in the Notable Victory. 1:25 (1995)
  32. Biblical Sonata No. 6 "The Tomb of Jacob (Genesis 49-50)": I. The Sorrow of the Sons of Jacob at the Bed of Their Dying Father, Somewhat Sweetened by His Fatherly Benediction. 4:18 (1995)
  33. Biblical Sonata No. 6 "The Tomb of Jacob (Genesis 49-50)": II. They Consider the Consequences of This Death. 1:35 (1995)
  34. Biblical Sonata No. 6 "The Tomb of Jacob (Genesis 49-50)": III. The Journey From Egypt to the Land of Canaan. 2:13 (1995)
  35. Biblical Sonata No. 6 "The Tomb of Jacob (Genesis 49-50)": IV. The Burial of Israel, and the Sorrowful Lament of Those Present. 3:00 (1995)
  36. Biblical Sonata No. 6 "The Tomb of Jacob (Genesis 49-50)": V. The Souls of the Survivors Are Consoled. 1:50 (1995)
  37. "Frische Clavier Früchte" / Sonata seconda: I. 2:17 (1997)
  38. "Frische Clavier Früchte" / Sonata seconda: II. Molto adagio 0:37 (1997)
  39. "Frische Clavier Früchte" / Sonata seconda: V. 1:40 (1997)
  40. Frische Clavier Früchte : I-II Molto Adagio 2:58 (29 Sep 2005)
  41. Frische Clavier Früchte, Suonata Terza: I. 2:47 (01 Oct 2011)
  42. Frische Clavier Früchte, Suonata Terza: II. Aria 1:52 (01 Oct 2011)
  43. Frische Clavier Früchte, Suonata Terza: III. 1:51 (01 Oct 2011)
  44. Frische Clavier Früchte, Suonata Terza: IV. Aria 1:56 (01 Oct 2011)
  45. Frische Clavier Früchte, Suonata Terza: V. 1:12 (01 Oct 2011)
  46. Frische Clavier Früchte, Suonata Quinta: I. 1:58 (01 Oct 2011)
  47. Frische Clavier Früchte, Suonata Quinta: II. 3:23 (01 Oct 2011)
  48. Frische Clavier Früchte, Suonata Quinta: III. 2:00 (01 Oct 2011)
  49. Frische Clavier Früchte, Suonata Quinta: IV. 2:04 (01 Oct 2011)
  50. Frische Clavier Früchte, Suonata Settima: I. 3:08 (01 Oct 2011)
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Credited as (11)

  1. Johann Kuhnau
  2. Johann Kuhnau, Jan Dismas Zelenka, Johann Sebastian Bach; Bach Collegium Japan, Masaaki Suzuki
  3. Johann Kuhnau, Vincenzo Albrici; Barbara Christina Steude, Concerto con Voce, Jan Katzschke
  4. Johann Kuhnau arr. Johann Sebastian Bach
  5. Graupner, J.S. Bach, Kuhnau; Miriam Feuersinger, Capricornus Consort Basel
  6. Johann Sebastian Bach, Johann Hermann Schein, Johann Schelle, Johann Kuhnau; The Bach Players
  7. Johann Kuhnau; Stefano Molardi
  8. Byrd, Scheidt, Kuhnau, Susato; Philip Jones Brass Ensemble
  9. Johann Kuhnau; Opella Musica, Camerata Lipsiensis, Gregor Meyer
  10. Joan Benson & Johann Kuhnau
  11. Martin Stadtfeld / Johann Kuhnau

Works (103)


  1. Sonata I: Der Streit zwischen David und Goliath: [Erzählung]
  2. Sonata II: Der von David vermittelst der Music curirte Saul: [Erzählung]
  3. Sonata III: Jacobs Heyrath: [Erzählung]
  4. Sonata IV: Der todtkrancke und wieder gesunde Hiskias: [Erzählung]
  5. Sonata V: Der Heyland Israelis / Gideon: [Erzählung]
  6. Sonata VI: Jacobs Tod und Begräbniß: [Erzählung]
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  1. Tristis est anima mea
  2. Suonata settima
  3. Magnificat in C major: II. Et exultavit spiritus meus
  4. Magnificat in C major: III. Quia respexit humilitatem
  5. Sonata II: Der von David vermittelst der Music curirte Saul: 1. Sauls Traurigkeit und Unsinnigkeit
  6. Magnificat in C major: IV. Quia fecit mihi magna
  7. Magnificat in C major
  8. Magnificat in C major: V. Et misericordia eius
  9. Magnificat in C major: VI. Fecit potentiam
  10. Magnificat in C major: I. Magnificat anima mea Dominum
  11. Magnificat in C major: VII. Deposuit potentes
  12. Magnificat in C major: VIII. Esurientes implevit bonis
  13. Magnificat in C major: IX. Susepit Irael
  14. Magnificat in C major: X. Sicut locutus est
  15. Magnificat in C major: XI. Gloria Patri
  16. Magnificat in C major: XII. Sicut erat in principio
  17. Weicht ihr Sorgen aus dem Hertzen: Aria "Weicht, ihr Sorgen, aus dem Hertzen"
  18. Weicht ihr Sorgen aus dem Hertzen: Recitativ "Ich bleib in Gott gelassener Ruh"
  19. Weicht ihr Sorgen aus dem Hertzen: Aria "Weicht, ihr Sorgen" da capo
  20. Weicht ihr Sorgen aus dem Hertzen: Recitativ "Was frag ich nach der Welt"
  21. Weicht ihr Sorgen aus dem Hertzen: Aria "Ich habe Gott, was fehlt mir noch"
  22. Weicht ihr Sorgen aus dem Hertzen: Recitativ "So kann ich allen Tand der schnöden Welt verachten"
  23. Weicht ihr Sorgen aus dem Hertzen: Aria "Komm doch, süße Stunde"
  24. Weicht ihr Sorgen aus dem Hertzen
  25. Cantata "Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan": III. Versus 2. Duetto (alto, bass)
  26. Sonata II: Der von David vermittelst der Music curirte Saul: 2. Davids erquickendes Harfenspiel
  27. Sonata II: Der von David vermittelst der Music curirte Saul: 3. Des Königs zur Ruhe gebrachtes Gemüthe
  28. Cantata "Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan": VI. Versus 5. Aria (soprano)
  29. Sonata I: Der Streit zwischen David und Goliath: I. La bravate di Goliath
  30. Sonata I: Der Streit zwischen David und Goliath: II. Il tremore degi'Israeliti alla comparsa del Gigante, e la loro preghiera fatta a Dio
  31. Sonata I: Der Streit zwischen David und Goliath: III. Il corragio di David, ed il di lui ardore di rintuzzar l'orgoglio del nemico spaventevole, colla sua confidenza messa nell'ajuto di Dio
  32. Sonata I: Der Streit zwischen David und Goliath: IV. Il combattere fra l'uno e l'altro e la loro contesa
  33. Sonata I: Der Streit zwischen David und Goliath: V. La fuga de'Filistei, che vengono perseqvitati ed amozzati dagl'Israeliti
  34. Sonata I: Der Streit zwischen David und Goliath: VI. La gioia degl'Israeliti per la loro Vittoria
  35. Sonata I: Der Streit zwischen David und Goliath: VII. Il concerto Musico delle Donne in honor di Davide
  36. Sonata I: Der Streit zwischen David und Goliath: VIII. Il Giubilo commune, ed i balli d'allegrezza del Populo
  37. Cantata "Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan": VII. Versus 6. Coro
  38. Cantata "Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan": IV. Versus 3. Aria (tenor)
  39. Cantata "Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan": V. Versus 4. Aria (soprano)
  40. Sonata I: Der Streit zwischen David und Goliath
  41. Biblische Sonata Nr. 3 "Jacobs Heyrath"
  42. Sonata IV: Der todtkrancke und wieder gesunde Hiskias
  43. Sonata V: Der Heyland Israelis, Gideon
  44. Sonata VI: Jacobs Tod und Begräbniß
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