Johann Kuhnau
(06 Apr 1660 - 05 Jun 1722)
Male Person - Germany
Releases (1)
The Biblical Sonatas (Harpsichord, Clavichord & Organ: John Butt)
Relationships (7)
Christoph Graupner
Johann Christian Kittel
Johann Friedrich Fasch
Johann David Heinichen
Reinhard Keiser
Johann Theodor Roemhildt
Conductor For
Thomanerchor Leipzig
(1701 - 1722)
Recordings by (66)
Der Gerechte kommt um
Biblical Sonata No. 1 "The Combat Between David and Goliath (1 Samuel 17-18)": I. The Boasting of Goliath.
Biblical Sonata No. 1 "The Combat Between David and Goliath (1 Samuel 17-18)": II. The Trembling of the Israelites at the Appearance of the Giant, and Their Prayer to God.
Biblical Sonata No. 1 "The Combat Between David and Goliath (1 Samuel 17-18)": III. The Courage of David, and His Keen Desire to Repel the Pride of His Terrifying Enemy, With the Confidence That He Puts in the Help of God.
Biblical Sonata No. 1 "The Combat Between David and Goliath (1 Samuel 17-18)": IV. The Combat Between the Two and Their Struggle; The Stone Is Thrown From the Slingshot Into the Brow of the Giant; Goliath Falls.
Biblical Sonata No. 1 "The Combat Between David and Goliath (1 Samuel 17-18)": V. The Flight of the Philistines, Who Are Pursued and Slain by the Israelites.
Biblical Sonata No. 1 "The Combat Between David and Goliath (1 Samuel 17-18)": VI. The Joy of the Israelites Over Their Victory.
Biblical Sonata No. 1 "The Combat Between David and Goliath (1 Samuel 17-18)": VII. Musical Concert of the Women in Honor of David.
Biblical Sonata No. 1 "The Combat Between David and Goliath (1 Samuel 17-18)": VIII. The General Rejoicing, and the Dances of Joy of the People.
Biblical Sonata No. 2 "The Melancholy of Saul Assuaged by Means of Music (1 Samuel 16)": I. The Sadness and the Rage of the King.
Biblical Sonata No. 2 "The Melancholy of Saul Assuaged by Means of Music (1 Samuel 16)": II. [No Title]
Biblical Sonata No. 2 "The Melancholy of Saul Assuaged by Means of Music (1 Samuel 16)": III. The Restorative Song of David's Harp.
Biblical Sonata No. 2 "The Melancholy of Saul Assuaged by Means of Music (1 Samuel 16)": IV. The Calm and Contented Soul of Saul.
Biblical Sonata No. 3 "The Wedding of Jacob (Genesis 29-31)": I. The Joy of the Family of Laban at the Arrival of Their Kinsman Jacob.
Biblical Sonata No. 3 "The Wedding of Jacob (Genesis 29-31)": II. The Servitude of Jacob Is Indeed Laborious, but It Is Lightened by His Love for Rachel, With the Diversion of the Lovers Mixed in.
Biblical Sonata No. 3 "The Wedding of Jacob (Genesis 29-31)": III. The Bridal Song Sung by the Companions of Rachel.
Biblical Sonata No. 3 "The Wedding of Jacob (Genesis 29-31)": IV. The Rejoicing for the Wedding, and the Congratulations.
Biblical Sonata No. 3 "The Wedding of Jacob (Genesis 29-31)": V. The Deception of Laban.
Biblical Sonata No. 3 "The Wedding of Jacob (Genesis 29-31)": VI. [No Title]
Biblical Sonata No. 3 "The Wedding of Jacob (Genesis 29-31)": VII. The Bridegroom Loving and Content; His Heart Foretells Him Some Ill; He Takes Heart Again; He Becomes Sleepy; He Arises; He Falls Asleep; The Displeasure of Jacob at Being Deceived.
Biblical Sonata No. 3 "The Wedding of Jacob (Genesis 29-31)": VIII. The Rejoicing for the Wedding Is Repeated.
Biblical Sonata No. 4 "Hezekiah Dying and Restored to Health (2 Kings 20)": I. Hezekiah's Lament for the Death Foretold to Him and His Fervent Prayers.
Biblical Sonata No. 4 "Hezekiah Dying and Restored to Health (2 Kings 20)": II. His Confidence in God.
Biblical Sonata No. 4 "Hezekiah Dying and Restored to Health (2 Kings 20)": III. The Joy of the Convalescent King; He Remembers the Ills That Are Past; He Forgets Them.
Biblical Sonata No. 5 "Gideon the Savior of the People of Israel (Judges 6-7)": I. Gideon's Doubt Concerning the Victory Promised Him by God; He Tests It in a Contrary Manner.
Biblical Sonata No. 5 "Gideon the Savior of the People of Israel (Judges 6-7)": II. His Fear, Seeing a Great Army of Enemies Come Upon Him.
Biblical Sonata No. 5 "Gideon the Savior of the People of Israel (Judges 6-7)": III. He Takes Heart Again, Hearing What They Had Dreamed of Him Being Expounded to His Enemies.
Biblical Sonata No. 5 "Gideon the Savior of the People of Israel (Judges 6-7)": IV. Gideon Encourages His Soldiers.
Biblical Sonata No. 5 "Gideon the Savior of the People of Israel (Judges 6-7)": V. The Sound of Trumpets, or Trombones, and the Breaking of the Pitchers, and the Cries of the Fighters.
Biblical Sonata No. 5 "Gideon the Savior of the People of Israel (Judges 6-7)": VI. The Flight of Their Enemies, Pursued by the Israelites.
Biblical Sonata No. 5 "Gideon the Savior of the People of Israel (Judges 6-7)": VII. Their Joy in the Notable Victory.
Biblical Sonata No. 6 "The Tomb of Jacob (Genesis 49-50)": I. The Sorrow of the Sons of Jacob at the Bed of Their Dying Father, Somewhat Sweetened by His Fatherly Benediction.
Biblical Sonata No. 6 "The Tomb of Jacob (Genesis 49-50)": II. They Consider the Consequences of This Death.
Biblical Sonata No. 6 "The Tomb of Jacob (Genesis 49-50)": III. The Journey From Egypt to the Land of Canaan.
Biblical Sonata No. 6 "The Tomb of Jacob (Genesis 49-50)": IV. The Burial of Israel, and the Sorrowful Lament of Those Present.
Biblical Sonata No. 6 "The Tomb of Jacob (Genesis 49-50)": V. The Souls of the Survivors Are Consoled.
"Frische Clavier Früchte" / Sonata seconda: I.
"Frische Clavier Früchte" / Sonata seconda: II. Molto adagio
"Frische Clavier Früchte" / Sonata seconda: V.
Frische Clavier Früchte : I-II Molto Adagio
(29 Sep 2005)
Frische Clavier Früchte, Suonata Terza: I.
(01 Oct 2011)
Frische Clavier Früchte, Suonata Terza: II. Aria
(01 Oct 2011)
Frische Clavier Früchte, Suonata Terza: III.
(01 Oct 2011)
Frische Clavier Früchte, Suonata Terza: IV. Aria
(01 Oct 2011)
Frische Clavier Früchte, Suonata Terza: V.
(01 Oct 2011)
Frische Clavier Früchte, Suonata Quinta: I.
(01 Oct 2011)
Frische Clavier Früchte, Suonata Quinta: II.
(01 Oct 2011)
Frische Clavier Früchte, Suonata Quinta: III.
(01 Oct 2011)
Frische Clavier Früchte, Suonata Quinta: IV.
(01 Oct 2011)
Frische Clavier Früchte, Suonata Settima: I.
(01 Oct 2011)
All Recordings By Results >>
Credited as (11)
Johann Kuhnau
Johann Kuhnau, Jan Dismas Zelenka, Johann Sebastian Bach; Bach Collegium Japan, Masaaki Suzuki
Johann Kuhnau, Vincenzo Albrici; Barbara Christina Steude, Concerto con Voce, Jan Katzschke
Johann Kuhnau arr. Johann Sebastian Bach
Graupner, J.S. Bach, Kuhnau; Miriam Feuersinger, Capricornus Consort Basel
Johann Sebastian Bach, Johann Hermann Schein, Johann Schelle, Johann Kuhnau; The Bach Players
Johann Kuhnau; Stefano Molardi
Byrd, Scheidt, Kuhnau, Susato; Philip Jones Brass Ensemble
Johann Kuhnau; Opella Musica, Camerata Lipsiensis, Gregor Meyer
Joan Benson & Johann Kuhnau
Martin Stadtfeld / Johann Kuhnau
Works (103)
Sonata I: Der Streit zwischen David und Goliath: [Erzählung]
Sonata II: Der von David vermittelst der Music curirte Saul: [Erzählung]
Sonata III: Jacobs Heyrath: [Erzählung]
Sonata IV: Der todtkrancke und wieder gesunde Hiskias: [Erzählung]
Sonata V: Der Heyland Israelis / Gideon: [Erzählung]
Sonata VI: Jacobs Tod und Begräbniß: [Erzählung]
All Works Results >>
Tristis est anima mea
Suonata settima
Magnificat in C major: II. Et exultavit spiritus meus
Magnificat in C major: III. Quia respexit humilitatem
Sonata II: Der von David vermittelst der Music curirte Saul: 1. Sauls Traurigkeit und Unsinnigkeit
Magnificat in C major: IV. Quia fecit mihi magna
Magnificat in C major
Magnificat in C major: V. Et misericordia eius
Magnificat in C major: VI. Fecit potentiam
Magnificat in C major: I. Magnificat anima mea Dominum
Magnificat in C major: VII. Deposuit potentes
Magnificat in C major: VIII. Esurientes implevit bonis
Magnificat in C major: IX. Susepit Irael
Magnificat in C major: X. Sicut locutus est
Magnificat in C major: XI. Gloria Patri
Magnificat in C major: XII. Sicut erat in principio
Weicht ihr Sorgen aus dem Hertzen: Aria "Weicht, ihr Sorgen, aus dem Hertzen"
Weicht ihr Sorgen aus dem Hertzen: Recitativ "Ich bleib in Gott gelassener Ruh"
Weicht ihr Sorgen aus dem Hertzen: Aria "Weicht, ihr Sorgen" da capo
Weicht ihr Sorgen aus dem Hertzen: Recitativ "Was frag ich nach der Welt"
Weicht ihr Sorgen aus dem Hertzen: Aria "Ich habe Gott, was fehlt mir noch"
Weicht ihr Sorgen aus dem Hertzen: Recitativ "So kann ich allen Tand der schnöden Welt verachten"
Weicht ihr Sorgen aus dem Hertzen: Aria "Komm doch, süße Stunde"
Weicht ihr Sorgen aus dem Hertzen
Cantata "Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan": III. Versus 2. Duetto (alto, bass)
Sonata II: Der von David vermittelst der Music curirte Saul: 2. Davids erquickendes Harfenspiel
Sonata II: Der von David vermittelst der Music curirte Saul: 3. Des Königs zur Ruhe gebrachtes Gemüthe
Cantata "Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan": VI. Versus 5. Aria (soprano)
Sonata I: Der Streit zwischen David und Goliath: I. La bravate di Goliath
Sonata I: Der Streit zwischen David und Goliath: II. Il tremore degi'Israeliti alla comparsa del Gigante, e la loro preghiera fatta a Dio
Sonata I: Der Streit zwischen David und Goliath: III. Il corragio di David, ed il di lui ardore di rintuzzar l'orgoglio del nemico spaventevole, colla sua confidenza messa nell'ajuto di Dio
Sonata I: Der Streit zwischen David und Goliath: IV. Il combattere fra l'uno e l'altro e la loro contesa
Sonata I: Der Streit zwischen David und Goliath: V. La fuga de'Filistei, che vengono perseqvitati ed amozzati dagl'Israeliti
Sonata I: Der Streit zwischen David und Goliath: VI. La gioia degl'Israeliti per la loro Vittoria
Sonata I: Der Streit zwischen David und Goliath: VII. Il concerto Musico delle Donne in honor di Davide
Sonata I: Der Streit zwischen David und Goliath: VIII. Il Giubilo commune, ed i balli d'allegrezza del Populo
Cantata "Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan": VII. Versus 6. Coro
Cantata "Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan": IV. Versus 3. Aria (tenor)
Cantata "Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan": V. Versus 4. Aria (soprano)
Sonata I: Der Streit zwischen David und Goliath
Biblische Sonata Nr. 3 "Jacobs Heyrath"
Sonata IV: Der todtkrancke und wieder gesunde Hiskias
Sonata V: Der Heyland Israelis, Gideon
Sonata VI: Jacobs Tod und Begräbniß
All Works Results >>
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