Cormac Thompson ( - )

Male Person -

Releases (3)



  1. A Borrowed Gift (as Cormac)
  2. Hear My Voice


  1. Empty Chairs At Empty Tables 28 Jan 2022 (as Cormac)

Recordings by (29)

  1. Empty Chairs At Empty Tables 3:16 (28 Jan 2022)
  2. Somewhere 3:47 ()
  3. May It Be 3:13 ()
  4. Free to a New World 3:55 ()
  5. Cinema Paradiso 3:43 ()
  6. True Colours 3:06 ()
  7. Bright Eyes 3:41 ()
  8. Sleepsong 4:54 ()
  9. When She Loved Me 3:19 ()
  10. Angel 4:36 ()
  11. Amazing Grace 3:26 ()
  12. Rule the World 4:03 ()
  13. The Joker and the Queen 3:07 ()
  14. Time in a Bottle 2:37 ()
  15. Pie Jesu 3:08 ()
  16. Run 3:39 ()
  17. How Can I Keep From Singing 3:55 ()
  18. Fields of Gold 3:28 ()
  19. Walking in the Air 3:43 ()
  20. You Raise Me Up 3:48 ()
  21. Shenandoah 3:16 ()
  22. Tomorrow 2:57 ()
  23. Be Thou My Vision 3:49 ()
  24. Danny Boy 3:18 ()
  25. I Have a Dream 2:58 ()
  26. The Wexford Carol 3:44 ()
  27. A Gaelic Blessing 3:27 ()
  28. O Waly Waly 3:40 ()
  29. O Holy Night 5:10 ()

On Recordings (31)


  1. Empty Chairs At Empty Tables 3:16 Cormac Thompson (28 Jan 2022)


  1. True Colours 3:06 Cormac Thompson () piano


  1. Empty Chairs At Empty Tables 3:16 Cormac Thompson (28 Jan 2022) lead vocals
  2. Time in a Bottle 2:37 Cormac Thompson () lead vocals
  3. Angel 4:36 Cormac Thompson () lead vocals
  4. I Have a Dream 2:58 Cormac Thompson () treble vocals
  5. The Wexford Carol 3:44 Cormac Thompson () treble vocals
  6. Run 3:39 Cormac Thompson () treble vocals
  7. Cinema Paradiso 3:43 Cormac Thompson () lead vocals
  8. True Colours 3:06 Cormac Thompson () lead vocals
  9. Bright Eyes 3:41 Cormac Thompson () lead vocals
  10. Somewhere 3:47 Cormac Thompson () lead vocals
  11. O Waly Waly 3:40 Cormac Thompson () treble vocals
  12. Free to a New World 3:55 Cormac Thompson () lead vocals
  13. When She Loved Me 3:19 Cormac Thompson () lead vocals
  14. Pie Jesu 3:08 Cormac Thompson () treble vocals
  15. You Raise Me Up 3:48 Cormac Thompson () treble vocals
  16. Walking in the Air 3:43 Cormac Thompson () treble vocals
  17. Fields of Gold 3:28 Cormac Thompson () treble vocals
  18. O Holy Night 5:10 Cormac Thompson () treble vocals
  19. May It Be 3:13 Cormac Thompson () lead vocals
  20. Rule the World 4:03 Cormac Thompson () lead vocals
  21. Tomorrow 2:57 Cormac Thompson () treble vocals
  22. Amazing Grace 3:26 Cormac Thompson () lead vocals
  23. Be Thou My Vision 3:49 Cormac Thompson () treble vocals
  24. A Gaelic Blessing 3:27 Cormac Thompson () treble vocals
  25. Shenandoah 3:16 Cormac Thompson () treble vocals
  26. Danny Boy 3:18 Cormac Thompson () treble vocals
  27. The Joker and the Queen 3:07 Cormac Thompson () lead vocals
  28. How Can I Keep From Singing 3:55 Cormac Thompson () treble vocals
  29. Sleepsong 4:54 Cormac Thompson () lead vocals

Credited as (2)

  1. Cormac Thompson
  2. Cormac

Links (6)

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