Bill Youngman ( - )

Male Person - Berlin techno producer

 Also known as (1)

Releases (17)



  1. HH3 May 2011


  1. Electrostep Dec 1996 (as Youngman)
  2. Electrostep II Dec 1997 (as Youngman)
  3. Zooted EP 20 Jul 1998 (as Youngman)
  4. Klimba E.P. 2000
  5. Bad Box 2000 (as Youngman)
  6. Sloppy Stomp EP Jan 2003
  7. Kleingeld E.P. 2003
  8. Somewhere in the East EP 2003
  9. Born EP 15 Jan 2006
  10. Hearing Voices EP. Oct 2007
  11. Memory Materialized E:P: 09 Apr 2010
  12. Shadent Mar 2012
  13. Marmor 03 Jun 2013
  14. Track Four Mar 2014
  15. Levitate 23 Jun 2014

EP - Remix

  1. Cells Regenerate / Hearing Voices Remixes May 2009

Relationships (3)

Performs As

  1. Headless Horseman
  2. Audible

Member Of

  1. Furfriend

Recordings by (81)

  1. Tunisia ?:?? (Dec 1996)
  2. Douh ?:?? (Dec 1996)
  3. Electro Beat Maker ?:?? (Dec 1996)
  4. Lunar Plantation ?:?? (Dec 1996)
  5. Blubuneuron ?:?? (Dec 1997)
  6. Dementia ?:?? (Dec 1997)
  7. Junction ?:?? (Dec 1997)
  8. Transistor ?:?? (Dec 1997)
  9. Pujt ?:?? (Dec 1997)
  10. Domestic Components ?:?? (Dec 1997)
  11. Zooted ?:?? (20 Jul 1998)
  12. Ovalduction ?:?? (20 Jul 1998)
  13. Klimba ?:?? (2000)
  14. Rapetition ?:?? (2000)
  15. Void ?:?? (2000)
  16. Droplet ?:?? (2000)
  17. Bad Box ?:?? (2000)
  18. M-8 ?:?? (2000)
  19. Benchpress ?:?? (2000)
  20. Political Stackup ?:?? (Jan 2003)
  21. TEC55 ?:?? (Jan 2003)
  22. Abdominal Discharge ?:?? (Jan 2003)
  23. Talkback ?:?? (Jan 2003)
  24. Hammerhead ?:?? (2003)
  25. Warschauer Strade ?:?? (2003)
  26. Strap-On ?:?? (2003)
  27. Series-Connected ?:?? (2003)
  28. B.T.U. ?:?? (2003)
  29. Character ?:?? (2003)
  30. Nomad ?:?? (2003)
  31. Damper ?:?? (2003)
  32. Connection Circuit 4:36 (24 Apr 2004)
  33. Defective Delinquent 4:42 (01 Nov 2005)
  34. Born 5:46 (15 Jan 2006)
  35. Diminishing Brain 4:48 (15 Jan 2006)
  36. Creepy Crawler 5:04 (15 Jan 2006)
  37. Jupiter 5:21 (15 Jan 2006)
  38. Hearing Voices ?:?? (Oct 2007)
  39. Cells Regenerate ?:?? (Oct 2007)
  40. Cells Regenerate (Hanno Hinkelbein rmx) ?:?? (May 2009)
  41. Cells Regenerate (BeNi rmx) ?:?? (May 2009)
  42. Hearing Voices (Steph rmx) ?:?? (May 2009)
  43. Hearing Voices (MasCon rmx) ?:?? (May 2009)
  44. Beamer ?:?? (09 Apr 2010)
  45. Lightpipe ?:?? (09 Apr 2010)
  46. 2009 ?:?? (09 Apr 2010)
  47. HH3 6:50 (May 2011)
  48. HH3 (Sandwell District remix) 6:45 (May 2011)
  49. Trilogy 4:05 (May 2011)
  50. Sidewound ?:?? (10 Feb 2012)
All Recordings By Results >>

On Recordings (50)


  1. Electro Beat Maker ?:?? Bill Youngman (Dec 1996)
  2. Tunisia ?:?? Bill Youngman (Dec 1996)
  3. Douh ?:?? Bill Youngman (Dec 1996)
  4. Lunar Plantation ?:?? Bill Youngman (Dec 1996)
  5. Blubuneuron ?:?? Bill Youngman (Dec 1997)
  6. Junction ?:?? Bill Youngman (Dec 1997)
  7. Transistor ?:?? Bill Youngman (Dec 1997)
  8. Domestic Components ?:?? Bill Youngman (Dec 1997)
  9. Dementia ?:?? Bill Youngman (Dec 1997)
  10. Pujt ?:?? Bill Youngman (Dec 1997)
  11. Zooted ?:?? Bill Youngman (20 Jul 1998)
  12. Ovalduction ?:?? Bill Youngman (20 Jul 1998)
  13. Benchpress ?:?? Bill Youngman (2000)
  14. Rapetition ?:?? Bill Youngman (2000)
  15. Bad Box ?:?? Bill Youngman (2000)
  16. Void ?:?? Bill Youngman (2000)
  17. Klimba ?:?? Bill Youngman (2000)
  18. Droplet ?:?? Bill Youngman (2000)
  19. M-8 ?:?? Bill Youngman (2000)
  20. Atmos Beat 5:17 Audible (2002)
  21. Hulo 4:22 Audible (2002)
  22. Agress Dream 3:17 Audible (2002)
  23. Rasta Snail ?:?? Youngman & Landstrumm (2002)
  24. Subway Amputee ?:?? Youngman & Landstrumm (2002)
  25. Temporal 1:35 Audible (2002)
  26. The Critics ?:?? Youngman & Landstrumm (2002)
  27. Popup 4:38 Audible (2002)
  28. Sludge 1:02 Audible (2002)
  29. Beneath 5:01 Audible (2002)
  30. The Bus Police ?:?? Youngman & Landstrumm (2002)
  31. Minal 2:59 Audible (2002)
  32. Estress Audio 5:27 Audible (2002)
  33. Crumb ?:?? Youngman & Landstrumm (2002)
  34. Spinett 4:16 Audible (2002)
  35. Counterpart 5:42 Audible (2002)
  36. Air Mattress ?:?? Youngman & Landstrumm (2002)
  37. Scrapp Woman 4:18 Audible (2002)
  38. TEC55 ?:?? Bill Youngman (Jan 2003)
  39. Abdominal Discharge ?:?? Bill Youngman (Jan 2003)
  40. Talkback ?:?? Bill Youngman (Jan 2003)
  41. Political Stackup ?:?? Bill Youngman (Jan 2003)
  42. Warschauer Strade ?:?? Bill Youngman (2003)
  43. Hammerhead ?:?? Bill Youngman (2003)
  44. Strap-On ?:?? Bill Youngman (2003)
  45. Bloody Knuckles ?:?? Youngman + Landstrumm (2004)
  46. Chewy Beats ?:?? Youngman + Landstrumm (2004)
  47. Land Bruiser ?:?? Youngman + Landstrumm (2004)
  48. Chicken Heads ?:?? Youngman + Landstrumm (2004)
  49. Guerilla Mask Work ?:?? Youngman & Landstrumm (Feb 2005)
  50. Double Bag It ?:?? Youngman & Landstrumm (Feb 2005)

Credited as (11)

  1. Bill Youngman
  2. Youngman & Landstrumm
  3. Judge vs. Bill Youngman
  4. Bill Youngman & Neil Landstrumm
  5. Neil Landstrumm with Bill Youngman
  6. Youngman
  7. MP \\\\ PB / GS \\\\ BY
  8. GS \\\\ BY
  9. Youngman + Landstrumm
  10. William Youngman
  11. Tobias Schmidt feat. Dave Tarrida & Bill Youngman

Works (95)


  1. Moonlight
  2. Haunted
  3. Her Black Wings
  4. Seclusion
  5. Road to Betrayal
  6. Stormrunner
  7. Blood Drop
  8. Raven
  9. Follower
  10. Kinematics
  11. Iridium
  12. Bunt
  13. Carbonite
  14. Starboard
  15. Iron
  16. Cone
  17. Immortal
  18. Spike
  19. Cronus
  20. Magnified
  21. Ash
  22. Ripple
  23. Beneath
  24. Hulo
  25. Temporal
  26. Spinett
  27. Estress Audio
  28. Sludge
  29. Atmos Beat
  30. Agress Dream
  31. Scrapp Woman
  32. Popup
  33. Counterpart
  34. Minal
  35. Sludge
  36. Bulldoze
  37. Muzzle
  38. Blackout
  39. Tunisia
  40. Douh
  41. Electro Beat Maker
  42. Lunar Plantation
  43. Blubuneuron
  44. Dementia
  45. Junction
  46. Transistor
  47. Pujt
  48. Domestic Components
  49. Zooted
  50. Ovalduction
All Works Results >>

Links (7)

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