Margaret Philpot ( - )

Female Person - United Kingdom

Relationships (1)

Member Of

  1. Gothic Voices contralto vocals

Recordings by (2)

  1. Grand chant: De bien amer grant joie atent 4:44 (Apr 1995)
  2. Chanson de tiole: Au novel tens pascor 7:23 (Apr 1995)

On Recordings (40)


  1. O presul vere civitatis 6:12 Gothic Voices, Margaret Philpot, Christopher Page (Apr 1985) contralto vocals
  2. Ave, generosa 4:36 Gothic Voices, Margaret Philpot, Christopher Page (Apr 1985) contralto vocals
  3. Dame, de qui toute ma joie vient - ballade (from the Remede de Fortune) 5:31 Rogers Covey‐Crump, Emily Van Evera, Andrew King, Margaret Philpot, Christopher Page, Gothic Voices (Sep 1987) contralto vocals
  4. Douce dame jolie - virelai 2:52 Margaret Philpot, Christopher Page, Gothic Voices (Sep 1987) contralto vocals
  5. Inviolata genitrix / Felix virgo / Ad te suspiramus - motet 3:47 Rogers Covey‐Crump, Colin Mason, Peter McCrae, Margaret Philpot, Christopher Page, Gothic Voices (Sep 1987) contralto vocals
  6. Biauté qui toutes autres pere - ballade 4:51 Rogers Covey‐Crump, Andrew King, Margaret Philpot, Christopher Page, Gothic Voices (Sep 1987) contralto vocals
  7. Dame, mon cuer en vous remaint - rondelet (from the Remede de Fortune) 4:30 Rogers Covey‐Crump, Andrew King, Margaret Philpot, Christopher Page, Gothic Voices (Sep 1987) contralto vocals
  8. Rose, liz, printemps, verture - rondeau 4:37 Rogers Covey‐Crump, Emily Van Evera, Andrew King, Margaret Philpot, Christopher Page, Gothic Voices (Sep 1987) contralto vocals
  9. Dame, je suis cilz / Fins cuers doulz - motet 3:01 Rogers Covey‐Crump, Peter McCrae, Margaret Philpot, Christopher Page, Gothic Voices (Sep 1987) contralto vocals
  10. Amours me fait desirer - ballade 4:12 Rogers Covey‐Crump, Peter McCrae, Margaret Philpot, Christopher Page, Gothic Voices (Sep 1987) contralto vocals
  11. De ce que fol pense 1:38 Rogers Covey‐Crump, Leigh Nixon, Margaret Philpot, Christopher Page (Dec 1987) alto vocals
  12. Gratissima virginis / Vos qui admiramini / Gaude gloriosa / Contratenor 2:45 Rogers Covey‐Crump, Peter Harvey, Leigh Nixon, Margaret Philpot, Christopher Page (Dec 1987) alto vocals
  13. Lullay, lullay 4:14 Margaret Philpot, Christopher Page (Dec 1987) alto vocals
  14. Ther is no Rose of Swych Virtu 3:58 Rogers Covey‐Crump, Leigh Nixon, Margaret Philpot, Christopher Page (Dec 1987) alto vocals
  15. Las, que me demanderoye 2:40 Rogers Covey‐Crump, Leigh Nixon, Margaret Philpot, Christopher Page (Dec 1987) alto vocals
  16. The Agincourt Carol 3:57 John Mark Ainsley, Rogers Covey‐Crump, Peter Harvey, Leigh Nixon, Margaret Philpot, Christopher Page (Dec 1987) alto vocals
  17. Speciosa facta es 2:12 John Mark Ainsley, Rogers Covey‐Crump, Margaret Philpot, Christopher Page (Dec 1987) alto vocals
  18. Sanctus 5:24 John Mark Ainsley, Rogers Covey‐Crump, Leigh Nixon, Margaret Philpot, Christopher Page (Dec 1987) alto vocals
  19. De la virge Katerine / Quant froidure / Agmina milicie / AGMINA 2:19 Gothic Voices & Christopher Page (Sep 1990) alto vocals
  20. Trop volentiers chanteroie 3:49 Gothic Voices (Sep 1990) alto vocals
  21. Je m'en vois / Tels a mout / OMNES 2:44 [anonymous] (Sep 1990) alto vocals
  22. Je ne chant pas / Talens m'est pris / APTATUR / OMNES 2:23 [anonymous] (Sep 1990) alto vocals
  23. Ave parens / Ad gratie / AVE MARIA 1:41 [anonymous] (Sep 1990) alto vocals
  24. En tous tans que vente bise 2:54 Blondel de Nesle (Sep 1990) alto vocals
  25. Plus bele que flors / Quant revient / L'autrier jouer / FLOS FILIUS EIUS 1:19 Margaret Philpot, Leigh Nixon, Rogers Covey‐Crump & Rufus Müller (Sep 1990) alto vocals
  26. Super te Ierusalem / Sed fulsit virginitas / PRIMUS TENOR / DOMINUS 1:14 [anonymous] (Sep 1990) alto vocals
  27. Comment qu'a moy lonteinne 2:58 Gothic Voices, Margaret Philpot (Oct 1991) alto vocals
  28. Soit tart, tempre, main ou soir 1:47 [anonymous] (Apr 1992) alto vocals
  29. Regali ex progenie 1:10 Pierre Fontaine (Apr 1992) alto vocals
  30. Ce jour de l'an 3:32 Baude Cordier (Apr 1992) alto vocals
  31. Donnez, signeurs 4:32 Guillaume de Machaut (Apr 1992) alto vocals
  32. Tres gentil cuer 4:03 Solage (Apr 1992) alto vocals
  33. Avrai je ja de ma dame confort? 2:30 [anonymous] (Apr 1992) alto vocals
  34. Salve mater Domini / Salve templum domini 2:58 Nicholas Sturgeon (Apr 1992) alto vocals
  35. Pastourelle: Je chevauchai 2:45 Gothic Voices, Christopher Page, Margaret Philpot & Christopher Page (Apr 1995) alto vocals
  36. Dansa: Amors m'art con fuoc am flama 1:51 Gothic Voices, Christopher Page, Margaret Philpot & Robert White (Apr 1995) alto vocals
  37. Chanson de tiole: Au novel tens pascor 7:23 Margaret Philpot (Apr 1995) alto vocals
  38. Grand chant: De bien amer grant joie atent 4:44 Margaret Philpot (Apr 1995) alto vocals
  39. Pastourelle: Quant voi la fleur nouvele 2:38 Gothic Voices, Christopher Page, Margaret Philpot & Robert White (Apr 1995) alto vocals
  40. Il m'est avis 4:56 Gothic Voices, Christopher Page (Oct 1995) alto vocals

Credited as (18)

  1. Margaret Philpot
  2. Gothic Voices, Christopher Page, Margaret Philpot & Robert White
  3. Gothic Voices, Christopher Page, Margaret Philpot & Christopher Page
  4. Gothic Voices, Margaret Philpot, Christopher Page
  5. Rogers Covey‐Crump, Peter Harvey, Leigh Nixon, Margaret Philpot, Christopher Page
  6. Rogers Covey‐Crump, Leigh Nixon, Margaret Philpot, Christopher Page
  7. Margaret Philpot, Christopher Page
  8. John Mark Ainsley, Rogers Covey‐Crump, Margaret Philpot, Christopher Page
  9. John Mark Ainsley, Rogers Covey‐Crump, Leigh Nixon, Margaret Philpot, Christopher Page
  10. John Mark Ainsley, Rogers Covey‐Crump, Peter Harvey, Leigh Nixon, Margaret Philpot, Christopher Page
  11. Margaret Philpot, Leigh Nixon, Rogers Covey‐Crump & Rufus Müller
  12. Rogers Covey‐Crump, Peter McCrae, Margaret Philpot, Christopher Page, Gothic Voices
  13. Rogers Covey‐Crump, Emily Van Evera, Andrew King, Margaret Philpot, Christopher Page, Gothic Voices
  14. Rogers Covey‐Crump, Andrew King, Margaret Philpot, Christopher Page, Gothic Voices
  15. Rogers Covey‐Crump, Colin Mason, Peter McCrae, Margaret Philpot, Christopher Page, Gothic Voices
  16. Margaret Philpot, Christopher Page, Gothic Voices
  17. Guillaume de Machaut; Emma Kirkby, Margaret Philpot, Rogers Covey‐Crump, Gothic Voices, Christopher Page
  18. Gothic Voices, Margaret Philpot

Links (2)



