雷強 (1960 - )

Male Person - China

Releases (3)



  1. Erhu Music 1994 (as Lei Qiang)
  2. Chinese Traditional Erhu Music 1995
  3. Chinese Traditional Erhu Music 2 1998

Relationships (1)

Member Of

  1. 陕西省歌舞团«长安乐舞»剧组

Recordings by (81)

  1. Mother’s Milk ?:?? (1994)
  2. Promise of Coral ?:?? (1994)
  3. A Peaceful Life ?:?? (1994)
  4. Waves of Wheat ?:?? (1994)
  5. Mourning ?:?? (1994)
  6. Full Moon ?:?? (1994)
  7. Distant Voice ?:?? (1994)
  8. Farewell ?:?? (1994)
  9. Friendly Soldier ?:?? (1994)
  10. Longing for Love ?:?? (1994)
  11. Tea Harvest ?:?? (1994)
  12. Pastural ?:?? (1994)
  13. The Night Is Good ?:?? (1994)
  14. The Friendly Village ?:?? (1994)
  15. History of a Small Town ?:?? (1994)
  16. 良宵 4:00 (1995)
  17. 採茶舞曲 2:20 (1995)
  18. 紡棉花 2:25 (1995)
  19. 採紅菱 1:10 (1995)
  20. 燭影搖紅 4:14 (1995)
  21. 蘭花花敘事曲 10:46 (1995)
  22. 二泉映月 5:52 (1995)
  23. 茉莉花 1:50 (1995)
  24. 採檳榔·紫竹調 4:54 (1995)
  25. 月夜 5:29 (1995)
  26. 瀏陽河 2:15 (1995)
  27. 十送紅軍 2:11 (1995)
  28. 花兒與少年·掛紅燈 3:34 (1995)
  29. 趕牲靈 2:03 (1998)
  30. 繡荷包 2:19 (1998)
  31. 沂蒙小調 2:10 (1998)
  32. 孟姜女 3:02 (1998)
  33. 四季歌 1:54 (1998)
  34. 花香鼓 2:48 (1998)
  35. 啊!日頭紅 1:30 (1998)
  36. 搖籃曲 2:49 (1998)
  37. 金瓶似的小山 4:29 (1998)
  38. 會哥哥 1:51 (1998)
  39. 梁祝 2:05 (1998)
  40. 採花 2:02 (1998)
  41. 在那遙遠的地方 2:40 (1998)
  42. 思想起 2:03 (1998)
  43. 敖包相會 3:15 (1998)
  44. 天涯歌女 2:23 (1998)
  45. 月牙五更 2:52 (1998)
  46. 山丹花開 1:05 (1998)
  47. 懷鄉行 6:49 (1998)
  48. Moonlight Reflected on Er-Quan Spring 4:49 (09 Nov 1999)
  49. The Four Seasons & Picking Flowers 3:51 (09 Nov 1999)
  50. Picking Flowers 2:02 (22 Aug 2000)
All Recordings By Results >>

On Recordings (15)


  1. Farewell ?:?? 雷強 (1994) erhu
  2. Longing for Love ?:?? 雷強 (1994) erhu
  3. A Peaceful Life ?:?? 雷強 (1994) erhu
  4. Distant Voice ?:?? 雷強 (1994) erhu
  5. Mourning ?:?? 雷強 (1994) erhu
  6. Friendly Soldier ?:?? 雷強 (1994) erhu
  7. Full Moon ?:?? 雷強 (1994) erhu
  8. Waves of Wheat ?:?? 雷強 (1994) erhu
  9. Mother’s Milk ?:?? 雷強 (1994) erhu
  10. Tea Harvest ?:?? 雷強 (1994) erhu
  11. Promise of Coral ?:?? 雷強 (1994) erhu
  12. The Night Is Good ?:?? 雷強 (1994) erhu
  13. The Friendly Village ?:?? 雷強 (1994) erhu
  14. Pastural ?:?? 雷強 (1994) erhu
  15. History of a Small Town ?:?? 雷強 (1994) erhu

Credited as (2)

  1. 雷強
  2. Lei Qiang

Links (11)

Other Databases

  1. https://www.muziekweb.nl/Link/M00000175871/POPULAR/
  2. http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/nr89012223


  1. https://www.last.fm/music/%E9%9B%B7%E5%BC%B7
  2. https://www.last.fm/music/Lei+Qiang


  1. https://www.discogs.com/artist/376708


  1. https://www.allmusic.com/artist/mn0000815700


  1. https://www.imdb.com/name/nm6164763/


  1. http://viaf.org/viaf/2314891

Stream For Free

  1. https://open.spotify.com/artist/3EDeV0rr4qc3RT0M2LTaBK
  2. https://www.deezer.com/artist/12416


  1. https://myspace.com/leiqiang