9GOATS BLACK OUT (31 Dec 2007 - 09 Feb 2013)

Group - Japan

Releases (10)


Album - Live

  1. 20090411 Shibuya‐Boxx live in Bright Garden 25 Jul 2009


  1. TANATOS 24 Mar 2010
  2. CALLING 19 Dec 2012

Album - Compilation

  1. ARCHIVES 29 May 2013


  1. Sleeping Beauty 09 Sep 2008
  2. Rorschach inkblot 10 Aug 2011
  3. Draw 09 Nov 2011
  4. Karte 14 Feb 2012


  1. devils in bedside 25 Jan 2008
  2. Black rain 14 Feb 2009

Relationships (9)


  1. ryo (31 Dec 2007 - 09 Feb 2013) original, lead vocals
  2. uta (31 Dec 2007 - 09 Feb 2013) original, guitar
  3. hati (31 Dec 2007 - 09 Feb 2013) original, bass guitar

Supporting By

  1. Akaya (Dec 2007 - 28 Apr 2012) keyboard, effects
  2. aki (Dec 2007 - 07 May 2010) drums (drum set)
  3. Takumi (04 Apr 2011) drums (drum set)
  4. Takumi (23 Apr 2011 - 09 Feb 2013) drums (drum set)
  5. ササブチヒロシ drums (drum set)
  6. 篤人 drums (drum set)

Recordings by (68)

  1. sink 3:27 (25 Jan 2008)
  2. 690min 4:24 (25 Jan 2008)
  3. 夜想 -nocturne - 2:23 (25 Jan 2008)
  4. Den lille Havfrue 3:52 (25 Jan 2008)
  5. raw 3:13 (25 Jan 2008)
  6. float 3:17 (25 Jan 2008)
  7. Sleeping Beauty 5:24 (09 Sep 2008)
  8. nocturne -Remix- 4:47 (09 Sep 2008)
  9. sink -Remix- 7:04 (09 Sep 2008)
  10. Lestat 5:02 (09 Sep 2008)
  11. a light 3:07 (14 Feb 2009)
  12. SALOME 4:06 (14 Feb 2009)
  13. moses 1:19 (14 Feb 2009)
  14. ROMEO 5:24 (14 Feb 2009)
  15. headache 3:48 (14 Feb 2009)
  16. 天使 4:09 (14 Feb 2009)
  17. in the rain 5:51 (14 Feb 2009)
  18. 落日 5:57 (14 Feb 2009)
  19. 夜想 - nocturne - 2:39 (25 Jul 2009)
  20. [silence] 0:15 (24 Mar 2010)
  21. 願い [PV + making] 10:16 (24 Mar 2010)
  22. minus 3:41 (24 Mar 2010)
  23. TANATOS 3:55 (24 Mar 2010)
  24. HARMS 3:06 (24 Mar 2010)
  25. BABEL 3:02 (24 Mar 2010)
  26. belzébuth 4:57 (24 Mar 2010)
  27. red shoes 4:57 (24 Mar 2010)
  28. Lithium 3:40 (24 Mar 2010)
  29. Heaven 7:24 (24 Mar 2010)
  30. 宛名のない手紙 4:20 (24 Mar 2010)
  31. 優しさの意味 4:55 (24 Mar 2010)
  32. Who's the MAD 3:23 (24 Mar 2010)
  33. minus + synonym 4:28 (24 Mar 2010)
  34. Reminisce 3:17 (24 Mar 2010)
  35. 願い 5:17 (24 Mar 2010)
  36. 690min [remix] 5:13 (24 Mar 2010)
  37. 憂鬱と孤独 3:44 (10 Aug 2011)
  38. missing 3:38 (10 Aug 2011)
  39. 宛名のない手紙 live in “Melancholy pool” at Shibuya O‐WEST 22nd Jan 2011 4:46 (10 Aug 2011)
  40. 甘美な死骸 3:54 (09 Nov 2011)
  41. Lilith 3:20 (09 Nov 2011)
  42. 軽蔑 3:05 (09 Nov 2011)
  43. a light [re-mix] ?:?? (09 Nov 2011)
  44. float [re-mix] ?:?? (09 Nov 2011)
  45. スピード 4:36 (23 Nov 2011)
  46. Table of the Mortal Sins ?:?? (14 Feb 2012)
  47. any 5:07 (14 Feb 2012)
  48. nude ?:?? (14 Feb 2012)
  49. Melancholy and the loneliness- “憂鬱と孤独” re-mix - ?:?? (14 Feb 2012)
  50. Wish you - “願い” re-mix - ?:?? (14 Feb 2012)
All Recordings By Results >>

On Recordings (50)


  1. sink 3:27 9GOATS BLACK OUT (25 Jan 2008)
  2. Den lille Havfrue 3:52 9GOATS BLACK OUT (25 Jan 2008)
  3. 夜想 -nocturne - 2:23 9GOATS BLACK OUT (25 Jan 2008)
  4. 690min 4:24 9GOATS BLACK OUT (25 Jan 2008)
  5. raw 3:13 9GOATS BLACK OUT (25 Jan 2008)
  6. float 3:17 9GOATS BLACK OUT (25 Jan 2008)
  7. Sleeping Beauty 5:24 9GOATS BLACK OUT (09 Sep 2008)
  8. Lestat 5:02 9GOATS BLACK OUT (09 Sep 2008)
  9. moses 1:19 9GOATS BLACK OUT (14 Feb 2009)
  10. 落日 5:57 9GOATS BLACK OUT (14 Feb 2009)
  11. ROMEO 5:24 9GOATS BLACK OUT (14 Feb 2009)
  12. SALOME 4:06 9GOATS BLACK OUT (14 Feb 2009)
  13. 天使 4:09 9GOATS BLACK OUT (14 Feb 2009)
  14. headache 3:48 9GOATS BLACK OUT (14 Feb 2009)
  15. in the rain 5:51 9GOATS BLACK OUT (14 Feb 2009)
  16. a light 3:07 9GOATS BLACK OUT (14 Feb 2009)
  17. 宛名のない手紙 4:20 9GOATS BLACK OUT (24 Mar 2010)
  18. belzébuth 4:57 9GOATS BLACK OUT (24 Mar 2010)
  19. 優しさの意味 4:55 9GOATS BLACK OUT (24 Mar 2010)
  20. BABEL 3:02 9GOATS BLACK OUT (24 Mar 2010)
  21. Who's the MAD 3:23 9GOATS BLACK OUT (24 Mar 2010)
  22. 願い 5:17 9GOATS BLACK OUT (24 Mar 2010)
  23. TANATOS 3:55 9GOATS BLACK OUT (24 Mar 2010)
  24. Lithium 3:40 9GOATS BLACK OUT (24 Mar 2010)
  25. minus + synonym 4:28 9GOATS BLACK OUT (24 Mar 2010)


  1. 夜想 -nocturne - 2:23 9GOATS BLACK OUT (25 Jan 2008)
  2. Den lille Havfrue 3:52 9GOATS BLACK OUT (25 Jan 2008)
  3. 690min 4:24 9GOATS BLACK OUT (25 Jan 2008)
  4. sink 3:27 9GOATS BLACK OUT (25 Jan 2008)
  5. raw 3:13 9GOATS BLACK OUT (25 Jan 2008)
  6. float 3:17 9GOATS BLACK OUT (25 Jan 2008)
  7. Sleeping Beauty 5:24 9GOATS BLACK OUT (09 Sep 2008)
  8. Lestat 5:02 9GOATS BLACK OUT (09 Sep 2008)
  9. moses 1:19 9GOATS BLACK OUT (14 Feb 2009)
  10. headache 3:48 9GOATS BLACK OUT (14 Feb 2009)
  11. SALOME 4:06 9GOATS BLACK OUT (14 Feb 2009)
  12. ROMEO 5:24 9GOATS BLACK OUT (14 Feb 2009)
  13. 落日 5:57 9GOATS BLACK OUT (14 Feb 2009)
  14. 天使 4:09 9GOATS BLACK OUT (14 Feb 2009)
  15. in the rain 5:51 9GOATS BLACK OUT (14 Feb 2009)
  16. a light 3:07 9GOATS BLACK OUT (14 Feb 2009)
  17. TANATOS 3:55 9GOATS BLACK OUT (24 Mar 2010)
  18. Reminisce 3:17 9GOATS BLACK OUT (24 Mar 2010)
  19. minus 3:41 9GOATS BLACK OUT (24 Mar 2010)
  20. HARMS 3:06 9GOATS BLACK OUT (24 Mar 2010)
  21. Heaven 7:24 9GOATS BLACK OUT (24 Mar 2010)
  22. minus + synonym 4:28 9GOATS BLACK OUT (24 Mar 2010)
  23. belzébuth 4:57 9GOATS BLACK OUT (24 Mar 2010)
  24. 優しさの意味 4:55 9GOATS BLACK OUT (24 Mar 2010)
  25. Lithium 3:40 9GOATS BLACK OUT (24 Mar 2010)

Credited as (1)


Works (48)


  1. Sleeping Beauty
  2. Lestat
  3. 憂鬱と孤独
  4. missing
  5. Table of the Mortal Sins
  6. any
  7. nude
  8. 甘美な死骸
  9. a light
  10. Lilith
  11. 軽蔑
  12. 願い
  13. sink
  14. 690min
  15. 夜想 -nocturne -
  16. Den lille Havfrue
  17. raw
  18. float
  19. in the rain
  20. you
  21. dye an unease
  23. 追憶は罪
  24. Panta rhei
  25. Shut up "G"
  26. Canaria
  27. Asche
  28. 揺り籠
  29. minus
  31. HARMS
  32. BABEL
  33. belzébuth
  34. red shoes
  35. Heaven
  36. 宛名のない手紙
  37. 優しさの意味
  38. Who's the MAD
  39. rip current
  40. a light
  41. SALOME
  42. in the rain
  43. moses
  44. ROMEO
  45. headache
  46. 天使
  47. 落日
  48. 8秒

Links (9)

Official Homepages

  1. http://9goats.net/

Other Databases

  1. https://www.vkdb.jp/9GOATS+BLACK+OUT.html
  2. https://www.generasia.com/wiki/9GOATS_BLACK_OUT


  1. https://www.last.fm/music/9GOATS+BLACK+OUT


  1. https://www.discogs.com/artist/1788560


  1. https://www.allmusic.com/artist/mn0001779085


  1. https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q1987538

Social Networking

  1. https://www.facebook.com/9GOATSBLACKOUTofficial


  1. https://myspace.com/9goatsblackout