Dale Cooper Quartet & the Dictaphones ( - )

Group - France

Releases (6)



  1. Parole de Navarre 2006
  2. Métamanoir 25 Nov 2011
  3. Quatorze pièces de menace 27 Sep 2013
  4. Astrild Astrild 02 Jun 2017

Album - Live

  1. Ramsès Redoute 16 Oct 2020


  1. Eux exquis acrostole / Elle agréable rendez-vous de chasse 17 Oct 2011

Relationships (3)


  1. Yannick Martin
  2. Pan & Me
  3. Christophe Mevel

Recordings by (43)

  1. Ta grenier 4:14 (2006)
  2. Une Cellier 11:08 (2006)
  3. La boudoir 4:18 (2006)
  4. Aucun cave 6:49 (2006)
  5. Ma dressing 7:35 (2006)
  6. Ma couloir 4:46 (2006)
  7. Sa vestibule 3:55 (2006)
  8. Mon bibliothèque 11:26 (2006)
  9. Elle corridor 4:34 (2006)
  10. Lui hall 12:30 (2006)
  11. Eux exquis acrostole 11:15 (17 Oct 2011)
  12. Elle agréable rendez-vous de chasse 5:35 (17 Oct 2011)
  13. Mon tragique chartreuse 12:54 (25 Nov 2011)
  14. La terrible palais 5:59 (25 Nov 2011)
  15. Il mélodieux manoir 5:07 (25 Nov 2011)
  16. Ma insaisissable abri 5:37 (25 Nov 2011)
  17. Sa prodigieux hermitage 0:36 (25 Nov 2011)
  18. Le implacable gentilhommière 7:45 (25 Nov 2011)
  19. Une petit cellier 5:24 (25 Nov 2011)
  20. Brosme en dos-vert 21:30 (27 Sep 2013)
  21. Nourrain quinquet 8:16 (27 Sep 2013)
  22. Calbombe camoufle fretin 3:43 (27 Sep 2013)
  23. Oribus sustente lingue 0:55 (27 Sep 2013)
  24. L’escolier serpent éolipile 2:35 (27 Sep 2013)
  25. La ventrée rat de cave 9:43 (27 Sep 2013)
  26. Il bamboche empereurs 9:12 (27 Sep 2013)
  27. Céladon bafre 3:06 (27 Sep 2013)
  28. Ignescence black-bass recule 7:03 (27 Sep 2013)
  29. Mange tanche 2:17 (27 Sep 2013)
  30. Lampyre bonne chère 5:27 (27 Sep 2013)
  31. Le Stratégie St Frusquin 20:05 (Nov 2014)
  32. Mia Outarde Bondon 5:55 (02 Jun 2017)
  33. Pemp ajour imposte 10:26 (02 Jun 2017)
  34. Son mansarde roselin 18:02 (02 Jun 2017)
  35. Five clenche bouscarte / Ocho accenteur 7:03 (02 Jun 2017)
  36. Huis chevêchette 10:36 (02 Jun 2017)
  37. Ta châssis euplecte 10:14 (02 Jun 2017)
  38. Tua Oriel Courvite Isabelle 9:55 (02 Jun 2017)
  39. Son Mansarde Roselin ?:?? (25 Dec 2018)
  40. Son Mansarde Ronselin 7:56 (16 Oct 2020)
  41. Lampyre Bonne Chere 5:42 (16 Oct 2020)
  42. Occho Accenteur 4:13 (16 Oct 2020)
  43. Celadon Bafre 2:12 (16 Oct 2020)

On Recordings (22)

Recording Engineer For

  1. Brosme en dos-vert 21:30 Dale Cooper Quartet & the Dictaphones (27 Sep 2013)
  2. Mange tanche 2:17 Dale Cooper Quartet & the Dictaphones (27 Sep 2013)
  3. Céladon bafre 3:06 Dale Cooper Quartet & the Dictaphones (27 Sep 2013)
  4. Lampyre bonne chère 5:27 Dale Cooper Quartet & the Dictaphones (27 Sep 2013)
  5. Il bamboche empereurs 9:12 Dale Cooper Quartet & the Dictaphones (27 Sep 2013)
  6. Nourrain quinquet 8:16 Dale Cooper Quartet & the Dictaphones (27 Sep 2013)
  7. L’escolier serpent éolipile 2:35 Dale Cooper Quartet & the Dictaphones (27 Sep 2013)
  8. Ignescence black-bass recule 7:03 Dale Cooper Quartet & the Dictaphones (27 Sep 2013)
  9. Oribus sustente lingue 0:55 Dale Cooper Quartet & the Dictaphones (27 Sep 2013)
  10. La ventrée rat de cave 9:43 Dale Cooper Quartet & the Dictaphones (27 Sep 2013)
  11. Calbombe camoufle fretin 3:43 Dale Cooper Quartet & the Dictaphones (27 Sep 2013)


  1. La ventrée rat de cave 9:43 Dale Cooper Quartet & the Dictaphones (27 Sep 2013)
  2. Céladon bafre 3:06 Dale Cooper Quartet & the Dictaphones (27 Sep 2013)
  3. Calbombe camoufle fretin 3:43 Dale Cooper Quartet & the Dictaphones (27 Sep 2013)
  4. Brosme en dos-vert 21:30 Dale Cooper Quartet & the Dictaphones (27 Sep 2013)
  5. Oribus sustente lingue 0:55 Dale Cooper Quartet & the Dictaphones (27 Sep 2013)
  6. Mange tanche 2:17 Dale Cooper Quartet & the Dictaphones (27 Sep 2013)
  7. Nourrain quinquet 8:16 Dale Cooper Quartet & the Dictaphones (27 Sep 2013)
  8. L’escolier serpent éolipile 2:35 Dale Cooper Quartet & the Dictaphones (27 Sep 2013)
  9. Il bamboche empereurs 9:12 Dale Cooper Quartet & the Dictaphones (27 Sep 2013)
  10. Lampyre bonne chère 5:27 Dale Cooper Quartet & the Dictaphones (27 Sep 2013)
  11. Ignescence black-bass recule 7:03 Dale Cooper Quartet & the Dictaphones (27 Sep 2013)

Credited as (5)

  1. Dale Cooper Quartet & the Dictaphones
  2. witxes / Dale Cooper Quartet & the Dictaphones
  3. The Dale Cooper Quartet & the Dictaphones
  4. Witxes / Dale Cooper Quartet and the Dictaphones
  5. Dale Cooper Quartet and the Dictaphones

Links (3)


  1. https://www.discogs.com/artist/1552362


  1. https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q31837635

Social Networking

  1. https://www.facebook.com/dalecooperquartet