Galaxy Express (2006 - )

Group - South Korea

 Also known as (1)

Releases (4)



  1. Noise on Fire 03 Jul 2008
  2. Wild Days 04 May 2010
  3. Galaxy Express 26 Nov 2012


  1. Come On & Get Up 09 Dec 2009

Relationships (3)


  1. 이주현
  2. 박종현
  3. 김희권

Recordings by (66)

  1. 물 좀 주소 7:44 (27 Mar 2008)
  2. Jungle the Black (remix) 3:01 (15 Apr 2008)
  3. Jungle the Black 2:40 (03 Jul 2008)
  4. 향수 4:30 (03 Jul 2008)
  5. 개구쟁이 4:43 (03 Jul 2008)
  6. Noise on Fire 1:17 (03 Jul 2008)
  7. Youth Without Youth 3:35 (03 Jul 2008)
  8. Psycho 1:49 (03 Jul 2008)
  9. 난어디로 4:20 (03 Jul 2008)
  10. 허상 3:40 (03 Jul 2008)
  11. Kick Me Out 2:47 (03 Jul 2008)
  12. Shadow 3:56 (03 Jul 2008)
  13. To the Galaxy 3:22 (03 Jul 2008)
  14. Lost Days 3:33 (03 Jul 2008)
  15. Bye Bye Planet 1:48 (03 Jul 2008)
  16. Thanx 4:14 (03 Jul 2008)
  17. 너의 작은별 5:36 (03 Jul 2008)
  18. 넌또 그렇게 4:02 (03 Jul 2008)
  19. 또 다른 하루 4:12 (03 Jul 2008)
  20. Hit the Trail 1:00 (03 Jul 2008)
  21. 불타는 하늘 4:07 (03 Jul 2008)
  22. Laika 3:00 (03 Jul 2008)
  23. 새벽 7:03 (03 Jul 2008)
  24. 여명의 설원 3:51 (03 Jul 2008)
  25. Soldier 3:21 (03 Jul 2008)
  26. Midnight Cremator 4:51 (03 Jul 2008)
  27. 물좀주소 7:49 (03 Jul 2008)
  28. Hollow 3:05 (03 Jul 2008)
  29. Come On and Get Up 3:02 (09 Dec 2009)
  30. 홀로 이렇게 3:11 (09 Dec 2009)
  31. 가요 6:14 (09 Dec 2009)
  32. Worm Hole 2:52 (09 Dec 2009)
  33. 오늘밤 너와 2:15 (09 Dec 2009)
  34. Lost Days (new recording version) 3:50 (09 Dec 2009)
  35. Break It Down 3:57 (09 Dec 2009)
  36. 진짜 너를 원해 4:01 (10 Mar 2010)
  37. Sharking 2:24 (04 May 2010)
  38. 지나고 나연 언제나 좋았어 5:51 (04 May 2010)
  39. House of 폐인 2:20 (04 May 2010)
  40. 피리소리 2:39 (04 May 2010)
  41. Reggae 치킨 3:39 (04 May 2010)
  42. Love Is 1:45 (04 May 2010)
  43. 쎄이 왓츄웡 2:55 (04 May 2010)
  44. 요즘 개들은 짖지 않는다 1:38 (04 May 2010)
  45. 매일매일 3:10 (04 May 2010)
  46. 빗속의 女人 3:10 (04 May 2010)
  47. 꿈의 그림자 4:18 (04 May 2010)
  48. ARKADIA 4:23 (04 May 2010)
  49. Reverse 2:04 (04 May 2010)
  50. 떠나는 날 1:18 (04 May 2010)
All Recordings By Results >>

On Recordings (50)


  1. Youth Without Youth 3:35 Galaxy Express (03 Jul 2008)
  2. Soldier 3:21 Galaxy Express (03 Jul 2008)
  3. 난어디로 4:20 Galaxy Express (03 Jul 2008)
  4. Kick Me Out 2:47 Galaxy Express (03 Jul 2008)
  5. Thanx 4:14 Galaxy Express (03 Jul 2008)
  6. 너의 작은별 5:36 Galaxy Express (03 Jul 2008)
  7. Hollow 3:05 Galaxy Express (03 Jul 2008)
  8. Lost Days 3:33 Galaxy Express (03 Jul 2008)
  9. Laika 3:00 Galaxy Express (03 Jul 2008)
  10. Midnight Cremator 4:51 Galaxy Express (03 Jul 2008)
  11. To the Galaxy 3:22 Galaxy Express (03 Jul 2008)
  12. Bye Bye Planet 1:48 Galaxy Express (03 Jul 2008)
  13. 개구쟁이 4:43 Galaxy Express (03 Jul 2008)
  14. Hit the Trail 1:00 Galaxy Express (03 Jul 2008)
  15. 물좀주소 7:49 Galaxy Express (03 Jul 2008)
  16. Noise on Fire 1:17 Galaxy Express (03 Jul 2008)
  17. 또 다른 하루 4:12 Galaxy Express (03 Jul 2008)
  18. 향수 4:30 Galaxy Express (03 Jul 2008)
  19. Shadow 3:56 Galaxy Express (03 Jul 2008)
  20. Psycho 1:49 Galaxy Express (03 Jul 2008)
  21. 넌또 그렇게 4:02 Galaxy Express (03 Jul 2008)
  22. 불타는 하늘 4:07 Galaxy Express (03 Jul 2008)
  23. 여명의 설원 3:51 Galaxy Express (03 Jul 2008)
  24. 허상 3:40 Galaxy Express (03 Jul 2008)
  25. Jungle the Black 2:40 Galaxy Express (03 Jul 2008)


  1. 넌또 그렇게 4:02 Galaxy Express (03 Jul 2008)
  2. Soldier 3:21 Galaxy Express (03 Jul 2008)
  3. Youth Without Youth 3:35 Galaxy Express (03 Jul 2008)
  4. Kick Me Out 2:47 Galaxy Express (03 Jul 2008)
  5. Bye Bye Planet 1:48 Galaxy Express (03 Jul 2008)
  6. Hit the Trail 1:00 Galaxy Express (03 Jul 2008)
  7. 허상 3:40 Galaxy Express (03 Jul 2008)
  8. Psycho 1:49 Galaxy Express (03 Jul 2008)
  9. 불타는 하늘 4:07 Galaxy Express (03 Jul 2008)
  10. Laika 3:00 Galaxy Express (03 Jul 2008)
  11. Noise on Fire 1:17 Galaxy Express (03 Jul 2008)
  12. 난어디로 4:20 Galaxy Express (03 Jul 2008)
  13. To the Galaxy 3:22 Galaxy Express (03 Jul 2008)
  14. 너의 작은별 5:36 Galaxy Express (03 Jul 2008)
  15. Jungle the Black 2:40 Galaxy Express (03 Jul 2008)
  16. 여명의 설원 3:51 Galaxy Express (03 Jul 2008)
  17. Midnight Cremator 4:51 Galaxy Express (03 Jul 2008)
  18. Hollow 3:05 Galaxy Express (03 Jul 2008)
  19. 새벽 7:03 Galaxy Express (03 Jul 2008)
  20. 개구쟁이 4:43 Galaxy Express (03 Jul 2008)
  21. Shadow 3:56 Galaxy Express (03 Jul 2008)
  22. Thanx 4:14 Galaxy Express (03 Jul 2008)
  23. 물좀주소 7:49 Galaxy Express (03 Jul 2008)
  24. 향수 4:30 Galaxy Express (03 Jul 2008)
  25. Lost Days 3:33 Galaxy Express (03 Jul 2008)

Credited as (2)

  1. Galaxy Express
  2. 갤럭시익스프레스

Works (107)


  1. Hollow
  2. 난어디로
  3. Riding the Galaxy
  4. Cha! Cha! Cha! Cha!
  5. 너와 나
  6. 호롱불
  7. How Does It Feel
  8. 그 날처럼
  9. 또 다른 세계로
  10. 첫 느낌으로
  11. 언제까지나
  12. Forever More
  13. 난 아무것도 아닌데
  14. 진짜 너를 원해
  15. Sharking
  16. 지나고 나연 언제나 좋았어
  17. House of 폐인
  18. 피리소리
  19. Reggae 치킨
  20. Love Is
  21. 쎄이 왓츄웡
  22. 요즘 개들은 짖지 않는다
  23. 매일매일
  24. 꿈의 그림자
  26. Reverse
  27. 떠나는 날
  28. 나의 지구를 지켜줘
  29. 홀로 이렇게
All Works Results >>


  1. Soldier
  2. Bye Bye Planet
  3. Thanx
  4. 너의 작은별
  5. Hit the Trail
  6. 불타는 하늘
  7. 새벽
  8. 난어디로
  9. 넌또 그렇게
  10. Midnight Cremator
  11. Youth Without Youth
  12. Psycho
  13. 향수
  14. 또 다른 하루
  15. 허상
  16. Kick Me Out
  17. Shadow
  18. To the Galaxy
  19. Jungle the Black
  20. Lost Days
All Works Results >>

Events (2)

Main Performer At

  1. AIA Real Life: NOW Festival, Day 2
  2. SXSW 2012, day 4: Soho Lounge time

Links (9)

Official Homepages


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