Dee! ( - )

Male Person - Japan ???? (Takanori Sato)

Relationships (2)

Performance Name Of

  1. 佐藤孝紀

Member Of

  1. D-RAM

Recordings by (38)

  1. くらしの知恵 (D-EURO STYLE) -ライトニングレジェンド- 4:32 (1999)
  2. Brand New Heart (D-HOUSE STYLE) ?:?? (1999)
  3. 夏祭 -PMVA Mix- ?:?? (12 Aug 2000)
  4. FullMetalAngel-LimitOutMix- ?:?? (30 Dec 2000)
  5. Rising Waters (DragonSaber-Area01-) 5:06 (30 Dec 2001)
  6. Full Metal Angel (LimitOut Mix) 4:16 (30 Dec 2003)
  7. Gabba-Lu-Tion (Rave Anthem Mix) 5:17 (13 Aug 2006)
  8. U.F.O. (Hyper techno mix) 5:55 (2006)
  9. Crack The Sky 4:16 (31 Dec 2007)
  10. Crack The Sky (M-Project Remix) 4:42 (31 Dec 2007)
  11. Pump This Party!! 4:34 (13 May 2008)
  12. Leave the Nest (BTW's Prisoner remix) 5:08 (16 Aug 2008)
  13. D.A.T.A. ~記憶~ (Future Synthetica Mix) 5:11 (29 Dec 2008)
  14. Hold On Me 5:26 (27 May 2009)
  15. Lo-Bit Toy Box 5:03 (15 Aug 2009)
  16. Mega Rave Drive 7:01 (11 Oct 2009)
  17. ニジイロノキセキ (Off Vocal) 5:10 (19 Dec 2009)
  18. 月夢 ~ TSUKU-YUME (Off Vocal) 7:04 (19 Dec 2009)
  19. Stokesia 7:10 (30 Dec 2009)
  20. Surf Groove 4:26 (30 Dec 2009)
  21. Glossy: MMM 5:10 (27 Jan 2010)
  22. Summer Games feat. Kate Lesing (Dee!’s Mix) 5:09 (14 Aug 2010)
  23. Guiltiness with Sorrow 6:13 (13 Mar 2011)
  24. transient mind 4:28 (13 Mar 2011)
  25. 慾海潜没 5:53 (30 Dec 2011)
  26. 呼子鳥の戯れ 5:01 (30 Dec 2011)
  27. 虎鶫来たりて禍を呼ぶ 5:46 (30 Dec 2011)
  28. Show no mercy! 6:03 (30 Dec 2011)
  29. Replicant Death Dance 4:09 (21 Nov 2012)
  30. Leap of Faith – 御柱の墓場 ~ Grave of Being ?:?? (30 Dec 2012)
  31. S.H.A.M.B.A.L.A.H – 神々が恋した幻想郷 ?:?? (30 Dec 2012)
  32. SUSHiLOID In Wonderland 4:07 (2012)
  33. Poker Donk ?:?? (15 Aug 2013)
  34. EDM-88GO0 4:43 (16 Aug 2015)
  35. Vampire Killer (Dee!'s Power Mix) ?:?? (16 Aug 2015)
  36. The answer lies in the heart of battle. [Dee!'s Mix] 3:26 (31 Dec 2015)
  37. RxV - Rigde Racer Rebuilding Respect Remix - / RAVE MASTER D!(RIDGE RACER) 4:44 (31 Dec 2016)
  38. Motherless Children 3:40 (11 Aug 2017)

On Recordings (4)


  1. Crack The Sky 4:16 Dee! (31 Dec 2007)
  2. Glossy: MMM 5:10 Dee! (27 Jan 2010)


  1. Shangri-La (Original Mix) 5:45 HIR (31 Dec 2007)
  2. 沙耶の眠れるレクイエム ~Electro Sphere Mix~ 6:50 沙耶(CV. 風音) (26 Mar 2009)

Credited as (11)

  1. Dee!
  2. Dee-7
  3. Dee! feat. haru*nya
  4. Dee! feat. GUMI
  5. 美里 & Party. & Dee!
  6. 憐歌 & 時音(TOKINE) & Dee! & tanigon
  8. DaNGER!
  9. D!
  10. Dee! & 野宮あゆみ
  11. Dee! & erica

Works (1)


  1. LOVE*V

Links (2)



