Miguel Guldimann ( - )

Male Person - Switzerland

Releases (1)



  1. Songs of the Plants 2014

Recordings by (17)

  1. Mistail 3:47 (2005)
  2. Shwas 6:17 (2005)
  3. Colores marrones 4:50 (2005)
  4. Rio de soletta 6:36 (2005)
  5. Día claro 5:05 (2005)
  6. Baile despierto 3:29 (2005)
  7. On suuri 7:29 (2005)
  8. Rio de soletta I 3:50 (2005)
  9. Rio de soletta II 2:59 (2005)
  10. Mi querida 2:36 (2005)
  11. Alap 2:44 (2005)
  12. Esperanza 4:07 (2005)
  13. Cielo 3:44 (2014)
  14. Confianza 4:54 (2014)
  15. Chiric sanango 6:04 (2014)
  16. Consuelo II 6:28 (2014)
  17. Bobinzana 6:19 (2014)

On Recordings (9)


  1. El temazcall de la aurora 3:15 Miguel Guldimann feat. Ruth Untoria (2014) acoustic guitar
  2. Cielos ayahuasca 5:31 Miguel Guldimann feat. Yerpun Solar (2014) acoustic guitar
  3. Confianza 4:54 Miguel Guldimann (2014) acoustic guitar
  4. Consuelo II 6:28 Miguel Guldimann (2014) acoustic guitar
  5. Chiric sanango 6:04 Miguel Guldimann (2014) acoustic guitar
  6. Mayariri (Icaro de mariación) 5:42 Miguel Guldimann feat. Yerpun Solar (2014) acoustic guitar
  7. Ayahuasca sunarai 3:55 Miguel Guldimann feat. Ruth Untoria (2014) acoustic guitar
  8. Bobinzana 6:19 Miguel Guldimann (2014) acoustic guitar
  9. Cielo 3:44 Miguel Guldimann (2014) acoustic guitar

Credited as (7)

  1. Miguel Guldimann, Sujay Bobade & Raghavendra Kulkarni
  2. Miguel Guldimann
  3. Miguel Guldimann feat. Yerpun Solar
  4. Miguel Guldimann feat. Ruth Untoria
  5. Ranajit Sengupta & Miguel Guldimann
  6. Ranajit Sengupta, Miguel Guldimann & Rupak Bhattacharjee
  7. Shirin Sengupta & Miguel Guldimann

Links (12)

Official Homepages

  1. http://miguelguldimann.com/


  1. https://www.last.fm/music/Miguel+Guldimann


  1. https://www.discogs.com/artist/4677827


  1. https://www.allmusic.com/artist/mn0002636385

Stream For Free

  1. https://www.deezer.com/artist/5150190
  2. https://open.spotify.com/artist/5u03TYAvZ8swGD5OGpNTwV

Purchase Music For Download

  1. https://itunes.apple.com/ch/artist/id395423797

Purchase Music For Mail-Order

  1. http://www.miguelguldimann.com/shop/


  1. http://miguelguldimann.com/e/aboutme.php

Social Networking

  1. https://www.facebook.com/MIGUEL-GULDIMANN-81341413487


  1. https://myspace.com/miguelguldimann

Youtube Channels

  1. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9xfyHyFnFwwDQAvwS1LSUg