Pema Chödrön read by Tami Simon

Comprised of:

  1. Pema Chödrön Female Person, Born: 14 Jul 1936 in
  2. Tami Simon Female Person, Born: in

Releases (1)


Other - Audiobook

  1. Comfortable With Uncertainty 2008

Recordings (110)

  1. The Love That Will Not Die 1:58 (2008)
  2. The Healing Power of Bodhichitta 2:24 (2008)
  3. Comfortable With Uncertainty 2:18 (2008)
  4. The Wisdom of No Escape 2:24 (2008)
  5. Loving-kindness: The Essential Practice 2:12 (2008)
  6. Loving-kindness and Meditation 2:04 (2008)
  7. Why Meditate? 2:07 (2008)
  8. The Six Points of Posture 2:08 (2008)
  9. No Such Thing as a True Story 1:56 (2008)
  10. Sitting Meditation 2:28 (2008)
  11. Four Qualities of Merit 2:40 (2008)
  12. The Root of Suffering 1:54 (2008)
  13. Weather and the Four Noble Truths 2:31 (2008)
  14. The Facts of Life: Impermanence 2:33 (2008)
  15. Not Causing Harm 2:26 (2008)
  16. The Dharma 2:01 (2008)
  17. The Practice of Mindfulness and Refraining 1:36 (2008)
  18. Relax as It Is 2:00 (2008)
  19. Working With Slogans 1:28 (2008)
  20. Slogan: "All Activities Should Be Done With One Intention" 0:55 (2008)
  21. Turning Arrows Into Flowers 3:57 (2008)
  22. Nothing Solid 1:39 (2008)
  23. The Facts of Life: Egolessness 1:53 (2008)
  24. Staying in the Middle 2:26 (2008)
  25. Slogan: "Of the Two Witnesses, Hold the Principle One" 1:44 (2008)
  26. Encountering the Edge 1:57 (2008)
  27. The Facts of Life: Suffering 1:47 (2008)
  28. Hope and Fear 1:42 (2008)
  29. Lighten Up (And Do Something Different) 2:10 (2008)
  30. The Four Reminders 2:02 (2008)
  31. Heaven & Hell 1:37 (2008)
  32. The Three Futile Strategies 2:07 (2008)
  33. The Opposite of Samsara 1:21 (2008)
  34. Cultivating the Four Limitless Qualities 2:50 (2008)
  35. The Practice of Loving-kindness 3:05 (2008)
  36. Cultivating Compassion 2:31 (2008)
  37. Introduction 0:32 (2008)
  38. The Practice of Compassion 2:42 (2008)
  39. Culitivating the Ability to Rejoice 2:30 (2008)
  40. The Practice of Equanimity 2:24 (2008)
  41. Thinking Bigger 1:52 (2008)
  42. Be Where You Are 2:48 (2008)
  43. Tonglen and Fearlessness 2:07 (2008)
  44. Tonlen: The Key to Realizing Interconnectedness 2:38 (2008)
  45. The Four Stages of Tonglen 2:04 (2008)
  46. Start Where You Are 2:41 (2008)
  47. Getting to Know Fear 1:36 (2008)
  48. Recognize Suffering 2:11 (2008)
  49. Slogan: "Change Your Attitude Remain Natural" 2:08 (2008)
  50. Loving-kindness and Tonglen 2:05 (2008)
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