John Novello

Comprised of:

  1. John Novello Person, Born: in

Releases (1)



  1. The Contemporary Keyboardist for Beginners

Recordings (83)

  1. The Five Practice Tools 3:11 ()
  2. The Musical Alphabet 0:31 ()
  3. Key Note Locations 0:54 ()
  4. Half and Whole Steps 1:11 ()
  5. Sharps and Flats 1:49 ()
  6. Accidentals 1:28 ()
  7. Enharmonic Notes 0:24 ()
  8. Musical Notes 0:09 ()
  9. Treble and Bass Clefs 0:12 ()
  10. The Grand Staff with Notes 0:24 ()
  11. Tied Notes 0:11 ()
  12. Time Signatures 0:48 ()
  13. Opus de Dos Notes 0:24 ()
  14. Walkin' 0:25 ()
  15. The Perfect Relative Pitch Drill 2:08 ()
  16. The Five Finger Drill 0:35 ()
  17. The Key Regimen 1:01 ()
  18. The Nine basic Rhythms Drill 0:35 ()
  19. Free Improvisation 36a 0:20 ()
  20. Free Improvisation 36b 0:19 ()
  21. Free Improvisation 36c 0:30 ()
  22. Free Improvisation 36d 1:22 ()
  23. Etude #1 0:44 ()
  24. Reverse Relative Pitch Drill 1:35 ()
  25. Five Finger Drill for Speed and Endurance 0:35 ()
  26. C Blues Scal 0:08 ()
  27. The 12 Blues Scales 0:38 ()
  28. The Diatonic Major Progression 0:37 ()
  29. The Basic Rhythm Etude 0:45 ()
  30. Key Center Improvising 0:25 ()
  31. Making the Changes 0:27 ()
  32. The Six Fundamental Basic Chord Breakdowns 2:04 ()
  33. Etude #2 0:47 ()
  34. The Five Finger Drill, Rhythm #5 0:21 ()
  35. The Five Finger Drill, Rhythm #6 0:22 ()
  36. The Chromatic Scale 0:45 ()
  37. The Diatonic Progression Circle of Fifths 0:42 ()
  38. The Tie Drill 0:26 ()
  39. Etude #3 0:52 ()
  40. The Triad Drill 0:51 ()
  41. The Double Thirds Drill 0:24 ()
  42. The Diatonic Circle of Fifths Voice Led 0:47 ()
  43. The Nine Basic Rhythms Rest Drill 0:26 ()
  44. Stylistic Blues Licks 2:52 ()
  45. Blue Intros and Turnarounds 0:39 ()
  46. Blues Endings 0:48 ()
  47. Etude #4 1:18 ()
  48. The Scat and Play Drill 1:39 ()
  49. The Double Thirds Drill (Four notes per beat) 0:33 ()
  50. The Rhythm Combination Tie and Rest Etude 0:35 ()
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