Let's Go to My Star 이정현

Release: , Language: Korean, Status: Pseudo-Release
Format: , Tracks: 13, Length: 42:07, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Other


1 00001 1:10
2 GX 339-4 4:37
3 Bird 3:15
4 Bakkwo 3:18
5 Wa 3:32
6 00001.5 1:34
7 Ça tient moi 4:49
8 Tinase 4:00
9 Chung-gyeog 3:31
10 Trance 3:25
11 Kaleuma 3:33
12 I Love X 4:02
13 00002 1:14

Other Releases in Group (4)


  1. Let’s Go to My Star, South Korea (Oct 1999), CD (Korean)
  2. Let's Go to My Star, South Korea (Oct 1999), Cassette (Korean)
  3. Let's Go to My Star, [Worldwide] (), Digital Media (Korean)


  1. Let's Go to My Star, South Korea (1999), (English) translations