Let's Go to My Star 이정현

Release: Oct 1999 South Korea, Language: Korean, Status: Official
Format: Cassette, Tracks: 13, Length: 42:07, Barcode: 8809004362013
Release type: Other


Cassette #1
1 00001 1:10
2 GX 339-4 4:37
3 Bird 3:15
4 바꿔 3:18
5 3:32
6 00001.5 1:34
7 Ça tient moi 4:49
8 티나세 4:00
9 충격 3:31
10 Trance 3:25
11 카르마 3:33
12 I Love X 4:02
13 00002 1:14

Other Releases in Group (4)


  1. Let’s Go to My Star, South Korea (Oct 1999), CD (Korean)
  2. Let's Go to My Star, [Worldwide] (), Digital Media (Korean)


  1. Let's Go to My Star, South Korea (1999), (English) translations
  2. Let's Go to My Star, (), (Korean) transliterations