Acid Seaforce Stage

Mega Man X3

 Also known as (1)

Creators (1)


  1. 山下絹代

Related Works (1)

Part Of

  1. Rockman X3

Recordings (15)

  1. ACID SEAFORCE STAGE 1:27 by 山下絹代 (26 Apr 1996) Playstation, Sega Saturn
  2. Acid Seaforce Stage 1:48 by 山下絹代 (26 Sep 2003)
  3. Acid Seaforce Stage Arrange Version 1:53 cover by 山下絹代 (26 Sep 2003)
  4. At Least I Made Something (Sting Chameleon vs. Toxic Seahorse) 2:00 medley, cover by Theory of N (2012) Mega Man X: The Grand Maverick Remix Battle 2012
  5. Reborn (Spike Rosered vs. Toxic Seahorse) 1:27 medley, cover by Trism (2012) Mega Man X: The Grand Maverick Remix Battle 2012
  6. Dreamhorse (Toxic Seahorse vs. Spike Rosered) 2:09 medley, cover by ProjectSpam (2012) Mega Man X: The Grand Maverick Remix Battle 2012
  7. Seahorses, FOREVEH (Storm Eagle vs. Toxic Seahorse) 1:52 medley, cover by TheRexAsaurous (2012) Mega Man X: The Grand Maverick Remix Battle 2012
  8. Drifter (Toxic Seahorse vs. Storm Eagle) 2:17 medley, cover by ProjectSpam (2012) Mega Man X: The Grand Maverick Remix Battle 2012
  9. Sting's Chameleon (feat. Toxic Seahorse) (Toxic Seahorse vs. Sting Chameleon) 1:29 medley, cover by ProjectSpam (2012) Mega Man X: The Grand Maverick Remix Battle 2012
  10. Acid Seaforce Stage 1:43 cover by Somari (27 Oct 2013)
  11. ACID SEAFORCE STAGE 1:42 by 山下絹代 (18 Dec 2013)
  12. Mega Man X3 - Toxic Seahorse 0:45 cover by Itdanslegs (2015) The Boss Battle Album
  13. Toxic Seas (Toxic Seahorse in Palace Ground [X]) 3:31 medley, cover by YoshiBlade (2015) The Sigma Fortress Remix Gauntlet 2015
  14. Eww! Seaweed! (Toxic Seahorse in Final Weapon [X4]) 3:28 medley, cover by YoshiBlade (2015) The Sigma Fortress Remix Gauntlet 2015
  15. Disco is NOT Dead, Disco is a Giant Metal Seahorse (Toxic Seahorse in Observatory Hall [X]) 3:27 medley, cover by YoshiBlade (2015) The Sigma Fortress Remix Gauntlet 2015