Moving-On Song


 Also known as (1)

Creators (2)


  1. Ewan MacColl


  1. Ewan MacColl

Recordings (42)

  1. Go! Move! Shift! 3:10 cover by Christy Moore (1975)
  2. Go! Move! Shift! (The Moving-On Song) 3:14 cover by Boiled in Lead (Jan 1987)
  3. Go Move Shift 2:29 cover by Christy Moore (1987)
  4. The Moving on Song 3:23 by Ewan MacColl (1990)
  5. Go! Move! Shift! (The Moving-On Song) 3:13 cover by Boiled in Lead (1991)
  6. Go! Move! Shift! 3:59 live, cover by Roving Bottles (1994)
  7. Go, Move, Shift 2:06 cover by Christy Moore (1994)
  8. Moving-on Song 3:22 by Ewan MacColl (1995)
  9. Moving on Song 3:22 by Ewan MacColl (24 Aug 1998)
  10. Go Move Shift 3:24 cover by Molly (1998)
  11. Go, Move, Shift 4:06 live, cover by Lack of Limits (1999)
  12. Go, move, shift 3:49 cover by Lack of Limits (2000)
  13. The Moving On Song 1:59 cover by Sheila Stewart (2000)
  14. Go Move Shift 4:29 cover by Christy Moore (2001)
  15. The Moving on Song 3:10 cover by The Exiles (22 Apr 2002)
  16. Go, Move, Shift (Moving on Song) 4:26 cover by Shanneyganock (01 Jun 2002)
  17. The Moving on Song 3:03 cover by Morning Star (2002)
  18. Johnny Doherty's March / Moving-On Song / Peacock's Feather / Mother's Delight / Lady Ann Montgomery / Rolling In The Ryegrass 11:32 medley, cover by Bohola (2002)
  19. Go, Move, Shift 4:16 cover by The Fenians (09 Mar 2004)
  20. The Moving On Song 3:58 cover by Norland Wind (22 Mar 2004)
  21. Moving on Song 3:51 cover by Bardic (2004)
  22. Moving on Song (Go Move Shift) 3:45 cover by Connemara Stone Company (2004)
  23. Moving On Song 3:25 cover by Wizz Jones (2006)
  24. Moving on Song 1:15 by Ewan MacColl (2006)
  25. Go, Move, Shift 3:08 cover by Ceann (01 Jan 2007)
  26. The Moving on Song ?:?? cover by Wizz Jones (06 Nov 2007)
  27. Go move shift 3:50 cover by fok o'locos (Nov 2008)
  28. Go Move Shift 4:13 cover by Connemara Stone Company (2009) live, 2009-06: Bad Rappenau, Germany
  29. The Moving-on Song 3:16 cover by Tempest (30 Mar 2010)
  30. Moving on Song 3:08 cover by Stray Hens (2013)
  31. The Moving on Song 3:58 cover by Madame Baheux (09 May 2014)
  32. Moving on Song 3:25 cover by Norma Waterson (30 Oct 2015)
  33. Moving On Song ?:?? cover by Wizz Jones (2015)
  34. Go Move Shift 3:52 cover by Headsticks (01 Mar 2016)
  35. Moving-On Song (Go, Move, Shift!) 2:42 cover by Father and Son (2016)
  36. Go, Move, Shift 2:39 live, cover by Christy Moore (17 Nov 2017)
  37. Go, Move, Shift 3:15 live, cover by Headsticks (2017)
  38. The Moving‐On‐Song (Go! Move! Shift!) 3:11 cover by Christy Moore (2020)
  39. The Moving‐On‐Song (Go! Move! Shift!) ?:?? cover by Christy Moore (2020)
  40. Moving On Song 2:27 cover by Black Velvet Band ()
  41. Moving-On Song 3:37 cover by Dave Burland ()
  42. Moving On Song 4:04 cover by Triptych ()

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